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If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit.

About Me

Well, not really too good at describing myself, but what the hell, I'll give it the old college try. I'm a fairly adventurous person and I like to have fun trying just about anything new. I would have to describe myself as a procrastinator, as I usually put things off. I am a very goal oriented person, and I will rarely give up on something that I have set as a goal, no matter how many setbacks come in my way and no matter how long it takes. I like to have fun with my friends and family, though my family is spread out all over the country, and my friends even spill into other countries. That's all I've got for now. :)

My Interests

Other than my family and friends, my three big interests are football, anything in the outdoors, and computer games.I spent fourteen years in high school, college and beyond learning to love and play the great game of football, so it is only fitting that I get great joy from passing that on to younger people. I coach offensive line at the high school in BozemanAfter I got done with school in North Dakota and moved back to Montana, I started to love doing just about anything in the beautiful great outdoors in Montana. I particularly enjoy going on long hikes to amazing places that most people will never see.There are lots of computer games that I enjoy wasting my time playing, but the one that I have spent the more time playing than all the rest combined is an online game called Carrion Fields. It is lots of fun and I highly recommend it to anyone who prefirs to 'read the book' instead of 'watch the movie'.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet Caligula, he knew how to throw one hell of a party. J/K In all honesty, the first person that comes to mind is Jesus, though wouldn't presume to be worthy of speaking to him. Most of the people that I would like to meet are historical figures that are dead and spoke a different language anyway, but here are a few. The people who are on this list are people that have inspired me with their acts of greatness, whether through good or through bad. King Leonidas, Dante Alighieri, Shakespeare, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, King David, Ghengis Khan, and Attilla the Hun.


The music I have set by Disturbed was what played before all of my home arena football games, I can't hear it without my blood boiling. I'm not what you would call a huge music fan, though I do enjoy listening to just about every variety of music. The two exceptions that come to mind are country and rap, though there are songs from both categories that I do enjoy.


I like movies a lot more than watching tv shows, I just seem to get more enjoyement out of them. Here is a list of the top ten really good movies that come to mind (Though not in any order) 1. Lord of the Rings Trilogy 2. Star wars movies (except for Jar Jar) 3. Matrix Trilogy 4. Bond movies (Though Sean Connery is the best Bond) 5. Pulp Fiction 6. Fallen(Denzel Washington Movie) 7. Rudy (Only movie that can consistently make me cry) 8. Tom Cruise movies (Though he has been weird lately) 9. The Count of Monte Cristo (Only movie to make both the movie and book lists) 10. Most Robert Redford movies - Most movies you watch and you know roughly how they are going to end early on, not so with any of his movies, (The Hustler, The Sting, The Last Castle, Spy Game, all top quality flicks)


Don't really like TV, though I do watch Futurama and The Family Guy.


This could be a very long list, as I read quite a bit. I like classical books, fantasy books, historical books (particularly books that have the details of battles, because history was shaped by battles). I'll list the first ten great books that come to mind. 1. The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri The best books ever written. 2. Alexander Dumas - Count of Monte Cristo, Man in the Iron Mask (Which was a good movie too) Three Musketeers were all great books. 3. Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time - Very lengthy, but still a masterpiece. 4. Tolkien - All of his books, but particularly the LOTR and The Hobbit (Guess that is another that made the top 10 in both movies and book) 5. RA Salvatore - Drow Trilogy is very, very good 6. Terry Brooks - Shannara Series, very good 7. Terry Goodkind - Sword of Truth series 8. Michael Crighton - Lots of good books, not in my usual genre 9. Dragonlance series - Lots of authors, lots of good books 10. Shakespeare - Read about half of his works, he is slightly over-rated, but still very good


I like anyone who makes a heroic effort when the chips are stacked against them, even if their efforts end in failure. Like I say to my football players, all I can ask is that you give your very best, every chance you get. I think that most of the people in my too meet list, as well as the movies that I like have done this.