Youre Making Me Famous♥ profile picture

Youre Making Me Famous♥

I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm CHRISTIE , alot of people use my last name RUSTICO to refer to me. I am a student at F.I.T. My major is fine arts, which means I draw, paint, sketch, observe and what not. I work at Ginos Pizzeria, in the dead center of Howard Beach, where I normally see everyone I ever met in my life. I grew up and still reside in Broad Channel, yes I am a "Channel Rat." You should know I never sit still. I am a five year old boy at times, well have the mindset of one. I laugh too loud. I constantly fidget. I am always dazed but yet still aware of EVERYTHING going on around me. I wish I was famous but people talk regardless; so maybe I am famous; sometimes in good ways and others bad. Art is one of my passions, a lot of people laugh when they hear that but its the truth. Speaking of the truth, I would rather hear the brutal and cruel truth, opposed to a sugar coated, lie to my face, I'd rather hurt for a little while and get over it rather than not knowing at all. I am a very skeptical person. I feel people out before i confide things in them. I love going out but don't get me wrong, I am always down to stay home and watch movies. I am a MOVIE BUFF, I always have been and always will be. I always have to have the last word which gets me in trouble. I am a headcase, or basketcase however you'd like to refer to it. Yet I am completely; one of the most sane people I know. I cry for no reason. but when I have a reason to cry, I don't. NOTHING PHASES ME ANYMORE. I never want to grow up but still cant wait each year till my birthday. Its hard for me to love...and I'm hard to love. Love is the closest thing we have to magic. I HATE TO BE ALONE. I am terribly scared of the dark. I am a bitch at times but only if it is necessary. I hate when people push the door close button on the elevator, like they really have to be somewhere. I am too friendly; but that's how you meet people. Sometimes I am very careless and don't think. I'm not the slightest bit mature, but I can be the most mature person you will ever meet. I switch personalities like you change your underwear. I tend to switch subjects in the middle of the conversation if I dont like the topic, or when I feel uneasy. But I'm very blunt and outspoken; what I'm feeling or thinking usually just comes out. I love to watch people. I am intrigued with people. Old pictures make me happy. I am a talker as you can see. When im with someone I am with them, and that's the bottom line. I like to take the "scenic route" ... even if its the long way... History amazes me...I love sleep, though I rarely sleep ... but I never wake up... I AM SMARTER than YOU THINK... I know what breaks people... I get vibes ... from everyone...most of the time bad ones ... in kindergarten I was in timeout everyday, I was a badass ... and I was proud of it...Everything you do is an accomplishment..even if its nothing... I would rather regret doing something... than regret not doing it. Everything thats meant to happen ... eventually does ... WATCH OUT. . Karma is a bitch.. I get over things very quickly. I am EXTREMELY spiteful and I heavily believe in revenge and karma; no matter what you do I will spend my time making you pay for it ..before I meet you; I judge you. I'm over drugs, because they ruin people, and im over trying to be perfect to satisfy others.I am too forgiving and give way too many second chances though I judge at first. It takes a lot for me to trust you. I have alot of people i know.. but theyre not friends. Friends are people who are there for you no matter how much trouble you are in or how broke or upset you are and they have to be there for all the good times, thats a friend. To me my friends are my life and family and for them i will do anything. They are the legs to my table and without them I'd fall on my face. I have two to three close girlfriends the most and thats it, the rest are all my brothers. It takes a strong person to become close to me but believe me once you do it, it pays off because the more time you put into it, the more you get out of it, and once you have my trust you have me. Therefore I will do anything for you. So theres a little bit about me, well thats the break down.. Dare to know more?
Oh by the way, close your eyes. I'm everywhere.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:




Idle Hands, Monkey Bone, Bedazzeled, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Fight Club, Donnie Darko, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Cry Baby, Ever After, Wayne's World, Gang's of New York, The Mummy, Blood Diamond, The Titanic, The Rules of Atrraction, Cruel Intentions, 40 Days and 40 Nights, Batman, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, The Departed, Super Troopers, Grandma's Boy, Kids, Anything directed by Tim Burton, Anything with Johnny Depp or Adam Sandler, Pirates, Corpse Bride, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Hook, Jack, 10 Things I Hate About You, She's All That, Igby Goes Down, Death to Smoochy, Just Friends, Edward Scissorhands, Summer School, Saving Private Ryan, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, That's it offa the top of my head but there is a ridiculous amount of more.

My Blog

soo truee

y0u dReSS nicEly , he sayS y0uRe a sn0b. if y0u dRess sExy he sayS y0uRe a sLut if y0u aRgue with him, he sAyS y0uRe stuBb0Rn. if y0uRe quiEt he sAyS y0uRe stUpid. if y0u caLL him, hE sAyS y0uR nEedy ...
Posted by Youre Making Me Famous♥ on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 11:34:00 PST

yOu cant even lie and tell me you didnt laugh when you read this =]

little kid perverted jOkes mangg! *Little Mary was not the best student in Sunday School. Usually she slept through the class. One day the teacher called on her while she was napping, "Tell me, Mary,...
Posted by Youre Making Me Famous♥ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST