7 Minutes is a locally and nationally broadcast thirty-minute show featuring local and national Christian Artists of all genre. The show will include personal interviews of two weekly artists (7 minutes each) and a section where they get to show off their talent through a live performance and/or show music video demos. With a targeted audience of the prime consumers, (18-55 years olds), 7 Minutes commands the best that local broadcasting has to offer at a great value!
The program will air weekly and include 24 episodes starting July 7, 2007 thru Oct 2007. The scheduled airtime is 11:00 pm, Saturday on Channel 51 GTN WSFJ (Local), Channel 2 (Time Warner) and Nationally on SkyAngel (Direct TV Satellite). Also we will be airing in California and NJ.I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!