BizzyB profile picture


Life is a Game Play to get Paid

About Me

I am who I am. A hustler, a boss, a dad, a boyfriend, a brother, and a MAN. %D%AJust a g from the streets..Sedalia, Mo also known as tha Ville tryin to make it in life. %D%A%D young Entrepeneur with my group of life long Friends who conquered Smith Cotton High School and are now known as livin Legends to those who Grace its Halls %D%A
%D%AWe are well known on the Streets of tha Ville and now we're movin on to take over the World %D%A
%D%A%D%A**************************Rest in Peace*********************%D%A
%D%A%Danielle Foster, Larry "Laz" Wilson, "BabyTommy"Buckner Uncles Burt,Eugene,and Terry %D%A %Dody {%D%A background-image:url(' kground..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

0_ctl00_Main_ProfileEditContent_editInterests_hash" value="MIGvBgorBgEEAYI3WAPZoIGgMIGdBgorBgEEAYI3WAMBoIGOMIGLA gMCAAECAmYDAgIAwAQIlQo%2fVm7g9RoEEHK%2fo8UpMa0rtRWx%2fu%2bTD kAEYBNZ0dF%2bJ5Y37oh%2ftzB4GHLiWDRy29f2O88P5NOgdRzT5gbgNMmua fOAcU6Gc9T%2bWpxlVddpNLDDJl8BoO1IEweRHLbhiPgiQ96IlYsnLddeLF4 WMz01a%2fNNub8BNJniXg%3d%3d" /%D%A%9%9 %D%A%9%9 %D%A%9%9 %D%A%9%9

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Do not use HTML/CSS to cover MySpace advertisements.%D%A%9%9%9

%D%A%9%9%9To disable clickable links in Interests / Music / Movies / Television / Books / Heroes, put a anywhere in the box.%D%A%9%9%9

%D%A%9%9%9%D%A%9%9%9%D%A%9%9%9%D%A%9%9 %D%A%9%9%D%A%9%9 %D%A%9%9%9 Headline: %D%A%9%9%9 %D%A%9%9 %D%A%9%9 %D%A%9%9%9%D%A%9%9%9 %D%A%9%9%9 %D%A%9%9 %D%A%9%9 %D%A%9%9 %D%A%9%9%9 About Me: %D%A%9%9%9 I am who I am. A hustler, a boss, a dad, a boyfriend, a brother, and a MAN. %D%AJust a g from the streets..Sedalia, Mo also known as tha Ville tryin to make it in life. %D%A%D young Entrepeneur with my group of life long Friends who conquered Smith Cotton High School and are now known as livin Legends to those who Grace its Halls %D%A
%D%AWe are well known on the Streets of tha Ville and now we're movin on to take over the World %D%A
%D%A%D%A**************************Rest in Peace*********************%D%A
%D%A%Danielle Foster, Larry "Laz" Wilson, "BabyTommy"Buckner Uncles Burt,Eugene,and Terry %D%A %Dody {%D%A background-image:url(' kground

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