Computers, internet/web design, books, movies, comics, anime, science fiction, history, asto-physics and space science, video games, cute, and writing.
Anyone interested in the fun part of life as well as the serious. Give me naked ambition, blind fandom, and the passion to make anyone interested in what interests you. You get one go round in life, I want to meet those that want to make it count.
If it's good, I like it.
Way too many to even get into. My top ten list has, like, 200 movies in it.
Batt;estar Galactica, Heroes, Two & A Half Men, Daily Show, Smallville, Any Stand up comedy, cartoons, anime, Boston Legal, Veronica Mars, Buffy, The Vampire Slayer/Angel, FarScapen.
Father, Malcome X, Hewy Newton, Marcus Garvey, John Henrick Clark, Dr. Amos Wilson