singing, emcee, dancing.. trying all avenues to improve my performance skills. performing on stage.. the BEST feeling in the world.when im onstage its like im home..
and home is where the heart is.
im bringing sexy back.
those who stay true to themselves.. those who have something good to offer.. those who can enlighten my mind, spirit, and soul.. those who keep it real.. those who are positive.. those who have an interesting life story to tell.. those enhanced with the gift of creativity.. those with an ear for music.. those who live to dream but dream to live.. and those who keep it real bay, yeeeee!..MY hubby T.I.
oh so fukn fine
my wifey
the lovely, Alicia Keys
just ONE of my many musical inspirationsView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
July 19th 2007 - "sometimes, you just gotta say FUCK IT!"
My friends and I went to Zebra up in Berkeley, and we ALL got something done. Here's a video of me gettin my nose pierced.. that shit hurt like a mo'fukka! haha.. but i love it.
oh.. and my nose ISN'T the only thing that i got pierced..
MuAhahahaha.. SECRET! =P
August 7, 2007 - Barry Bonds hits #756! fuuuuk yeah, CONGRATS TO BARRY!
a historical night for san francisco. whoever got that ball is one lucky ass mothafukka!
Barry Bonds Hits Home Run #756 (8-7-07)
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one of my faaaav songs in the whole wide world.
Because Of You
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dis video is so sick! and i fukn luuuuv this song.
Ciara - Promises
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T.I.!!!! enuff said.. MmMmmm Mmm MmmMm!!! i fukn luuuv this song,
i would luuuuv to be on that beach w/ him.
TI - Why You Wanna
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my mo'fukkn bday bitch!
+ bay slaps otherwise known as Hyphy (gotta rep the yay!) + r&b + punk + hip hop + jazz + ska + oldies (i LOVE oldies) + neo-soul + gospel + rap + trip hop + d&b + jungle + alternative + slow jams + blues + cultural + classical + underground + reggae + motownthe list goes is E V E R Y T H I N G.. music is IVIy LiFe.. beatnoxxx studio back in 2002 ...throwback...
MY FAV. MOVIEs - just to name a few:+ smokin aces (looooved it, alicia keys, enough said) + children of men (great movie, however, depressing) + lord of the rings trilogy + snatched + kung fu hustle + the little mermaid (disney movies period!) + poolhall junkies + dont be a menace + the wood + bill & ted's excellent adventure + underworld 1 & 2 + ongbak + love & bastketball + soul food + sister act 2 + clueless + wedding planner + fight club + so close + memoirs of a geisha + borat + puff puff pass + half baked + harold & kumar + ocean's 11 & 12 + battle royal + fearless (all jet li movies to be exact) + resevoir dogs + how to lose a guy in 10 days + cruel intentions + rush hour 1 & 2 + hitch + never been kissed + go + guess who + saw + indiana jones + phonebooth + now & then + 300 (them niggas were HELLA riiipped!) + spiderman + hook + italian job + the goonies + 50 first dates + sandlot + spirited away + princess mononoke + howl's moving castle (i heart all hayao miyazaki films) + kids + city of god + run lola run + sin city + groove + superman returns + kill bill 1 & 2 + mr. & mrs. smith im a movie junkie, the list goes on forrrreeeeveeeerrrrrr..
MY FAV. TV SHOWs - just to name a few:+ FRIENDS FRIENDS FRIENDS (i LOOOOOVE friends!) + heros + weeds (that show is fukn tight!) + who's line is it anyways + boondocks + comic view + smallville + real world + will & grace + comedy central + howard stern + save by the bell + simpsons + animal planet + fresh prince + CSI: Vegas + family guy + boy meets world + wayans bros. + the discovery channel + lizzy mcguire + food network: -Emeril -iron chef -30minute meals -unwrapped -paula dean -bobby flay is the fukn shizznit..i love them all + infomercials + the chappelle show + carlos mencia + mXc "DONT GET ELIMINATED!!" (i LOVE that show!) + the andy milanokis show + avitar (avitar is the shit!.. its the best children's cartoon of this generation.. yes, i still watch cartoons, i love cartoons!)
+ Shizuko's daughter + Memoirs of a geisha + The da vinci code + Angels & demons + The Game: penetrating the secret society of pickup artist + Shanghai Baby + When The Elephants Dance + Snow Flower & the Secret Fanright now im currently working on:+ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows *thanks for the book =)+ bartending books.. of course i gotta be the best possible bartender that i could be.. to better serve YOU!:+ subject matter: layered shots+ drink to try: purple hooter -its a shooter, taste just like CANDY! -consist of: vodka chambord pineapple juiceif you like sweet drinks that do the trick, then this one is a must. enough of these and its a wrap! im telling you, this shit go!
+ the man upstairs + my grandmother, FELY MADRID, the most strong-hearted person i know.. i miss her.. RIP MAMA! + my parents + my big broski + my cuzzins.. all grown up! + the rest of mi familia + my friends.. my second family + those who have made a positive impact in my life.. you know who you are..i will NEVER forget you.. I HEART YOU ALL!