BASKETBALL & Laura R.!!!! They are my life.
Which Seinfeld Quote Are You? by CloakofStars9
Pick a Soup
Pick Your Favorite Character
You Are... *sneeze* "you are sooooo good looking"
Quiz created with MemeGen !
Are you hott? by evildj23
First Name
Guy or Gal
Your hottness is wow
Quiz created with MemeGen !
Any hot actress, singer or whateva... If i'd give names it would take me a couple of months!
Cursor By BP-Grafix.netAight, Pimps and Hoes!! Ready to leave this FuckA a tight Comment?
Anything HIP HOP. OLD SCHOOL, NEW SCHOOL, EAST- or WESTSIDE... doesn't matter.. JUST HIP HOP... (of course also German rap)
Ocean's eleven, ALIGINDAHOUSE, Snake eyes, Wrong turn (cause of Eliza Dushku ;) , House of 1000 Corpses, texas chainsaw massacre, saw, saw2 ,Pulp fiction, the big lebowski, reindeer games, half baked, both final destinations,...
Family Guy, Seinfeld, NBA Basketball, Columbo, and last but not least Curb your enthusiasm...
Hustler Magazine, Playboy,.. J/K
Ultimate Survey (377 questions long)
time started: 2:27
full name: Michael David Horner Lavigne II
nickname(s): Prince Charming ;) u heard about me!
birthday: April 8th 1986
where were you born: Altoetting, germany
zodiac sign: Aries
height: uhmmm... like 6'9''
weight: uhmm... like.. 354lbs
hair color: blizzack
eye color: brizzown
shoe size: nonofyabusiness! lol (10.5)
ring size: wtf? no rings.
skin type (freckles, tan, albino, etc.): uhmm.. half black ;)
blood type: A- (rare, but dont drink it, i'll need it)
grade: uhmmm.. freshman at college
GPA: :) 3.80
siblings: nope
tattoos: not yet
piercings: nada
hobbies: basketball, girls, movies, being black
color: black, white or red.. cant decide
food: pizza
candy: uhmm.. peanut m&ms
type of cheese: swiss
pizza topping: everything, except pinapple or shit like that.
salad dressing: thousand island
sandwich: grilled cheese.... or whatever there is
cereal: cocoa pops
fruit: ewww..
vegetable: your mom
berry: halle barry
cake: the one your mother makes
book: kama sutra.. or not.. no books.. maybe 1984
movie: ocean's 11
magazine: xxx lol
newspaper: uh huh
tv show: seinfeld!
radio station: 107.yourmother
font: wtf? i dont care
cartoon character: peter griffin
artist (painter): SALVADOR DALI baby!!!
actor: steve buscemi
actress: hehehe.. uhm.. eliza dushku
cd: Sido "maske"
song: fehdehandschuh
music group: creutzfeld&jakob
music type: hip hop
day of the week: saturday!!
month: april ;)
season: fall
holiday: christmahanuquanzika. or whatever.. leave me alone
shampoo: the one that makes u have an orgasm
conditioner: whatever...
number: 21
phrase: your mother is a whore. lol..
store: footlocker or finishline or so..
weather: pleasant
restaurant: zaxby's
channel: HBO
teacher: your mother teaches me new things every night
weekend activity: hardcore sleeping!!!
hangout: uhmm... more like hangover
house color: brick color.
sport to watch: basketball
sport to play: basketball
animal: squirrel
flower: cannabis sativa.. what a nice one.. smells so good!
guy's name: jeffrey
girl's name: wow.. cant decide.
board game: no clue.
party game: beer pong!!!!!
story from childhood: no stories. no childhood. no explanation. lol
body part: just face. face. is that a part? well... face
have you ever
been on a train: ja
been on a plane: ja
been in a car accident: nein
caused a car accident: nein
run into a wall: dont remember.. but that would explain some things
burned a potato chip: what??? nein
almost burned the house down: nein
smoked: ja
been drunk: uhmm at least 4 days of the week.(during school, tho)
been high: hah.. ja
broken the law: ja
burned a cd (if yes, the one above is yes): ja
kissed someone of the opposite sex: ja
kissed someone of the same sex: nein
frenched an animal: ??? crazy americans.
made out: i think so ;)
had cyber sex: every night with your mom, when i cant see her
gotten engaged: nein
had an online relationship: not relationship just... whatever.. fuck you
been rejected by a crush: nein.. cause i'm too shy to tell anyone
loved: not really
made yourself cry to get out of trouble: nein
cried in public: ja
cried over a movie: yeah, call me a feefeeboy.. lol
fallen asleep in a movie theater: almost! fuck matrix revolutions at midnight
given someone a bath: your mom (sorry if its getting old)
been to a boarding school: nein
been home-schooled: nein
lost a valuable item: ja
bungee jumped: nein
skied: tried to... long time ago
met the president: nein... and hopefully wont.
met a celebrity: ja
gotten a cavity: nein
shopped at abercrombie & fitch: nein
made a prank call: nein
skipped school: ja
faked sick to get out of school: ja
purchased something that you knew didn't fit: nein
climbed a tree: ja
fallen from a tree: nein
broken a bone: nein
sprained anything: ja
passed out: once on your mother.
made yourself pass out: nein... again.. only stupid people would do that
been to disney world: jaaaa!!!
been to a theme park (not disney): ja
said i love you and meant it (not to a relative): uhmmm probably
made a model volcano (working model): nein
made a clover leaf with your tounge: nein
what did you do yesterday: traveled.. slept... smoked.
memory you miss the most: with my people back in K-town :(
memory you want to forget: almost gettin arrested by cops :(
something you regretted after it was done: having sex with your mother
the last
song you heard: wow.. uhm.. light your ass on fire. by busta and pharrell
cd you bought: bought? uhmm. sido
thing you said: I thought it was mine!! :(
time you cried: cant remember
movie seen in a theater: saw2
thing you ate: your mother's p..ssy
person who called: cissy :)
nail polish shade worn: black. no red. no, none. yeah, none.
time you showered: wow.. uhmmm let me think... lol.. bout 1 hr ago
person who complimented you: no compliments :(
at this moment
what are you listening to: dallas theme music from the living room
what are you wearing: bathrobe.. sox, boxers, stuff like that
what are you thinking: when is this survey over... why did i get into this??
what are you scared of most: some creepy ass animals...
how many people are on your buddy list: not enough.
occupation: rich guy
marriage site: somewhere romantic
honeymoon: somewhere morest romanticerererst
place to live: italy, well, not with a wife tho.. so cali or so
kids: 2
car: BMW
what are you doing tomorrow: hopefully your mom.. and nothing else
do you think george bush will be reelected: no way.. his time is OVER
will there be a wwIII: sometime there will be
will politics ever be truthful: never
will humanity snuff itself out: maybe in a distant future
can the gov. be changed: it can.. look at us doing shit
best friend: brian hobbs!!! da main man.
funniest: cody
silliest: sam
loudest: morgan
quietest: andrej
craziest: brian
calmest: bryan
skinniest: ben? sam? idk
best secret keeper: dont give out secrets
worst secret keeper: no secrets
the one you have but don't want: tough one... jason?
smartest: brian
preppiest: alot of em
peppiest: ben. lol
most hyper: ben
hottest: ben.. uhmm is victoria my friend? idk. she would be it tho
weirdest: every single one
biggest pervert: hah.. i dont wanna know
most annyoing: ben at times.. at 6 in the morning..
shyest: andrej
most religious: kelly
do you believe in
heaven: ja
hell: ja
angels: ja
devil: ja
god: ja
buddha: ja
aliens: ja
ghosts: ja
spirit (soul): ja
soulmates: ja
reincarnation: ja
love at first sight: well, not love.. attraction, and then comes love
karma: ja
love in general: ja
luck: ja
yourself: sometimes
who and when was your first crush: kati, a long time ago
any now: many..
a celebrity crush: AVRIL LAVIGNE
who do you want to be with right now: my pals in K-town
whos number do you want: avril's... naww. i'd be too shy.
who do you want to kiss: hot , attractive, cute, or sweet girls.
what is something you dont understand about the opposite sex: almost everything... but i'll figure it out! give me time.
if you could go on a date with anybody, who would it be: wow... too many names are going thru my mind
on scale of one to ten, how romantic are you: 8 and 3466/3467
first thing noticed about the opposite sex: face in general
what do you look for personality-wise: mature, caring, humor
biggest turn on: just anything good that stands out facially.. eyes, lips.. idk
biggest turn off: hmm.. where do i begin.. b.o. facial hair. lol.
something thay weat that turns you on: THONGS!!! oh wow.
something they wear that turns you off: stockings or shit like that.. also granny panties..
the most romantic thing you want to happen to you: lol.. just anything romantic.. come on girls!
the most romantic thing that has happened to you: nothing at all
what do you wear on a coffee date: i wear a $275 gucci sweater, a $190 armani.. fuck that what do i know?
is it right to flirt if you're taken: well, its bad... but i wont be a hypocrat
is cyber cheating: no
are eyes the passegeway to the soul: ja
who would you like to take to the prom: its over :( and i didnt go :( but miranda would've been my choice
do you want to hug somebody right now: yes
do you know what an aphrodisiac is: yes
mellow: carmellow anthony
melancholy: sad
the perfect date: food, walk, (movie), cuddling, kissing....
the perfect mate: someone who's there for u 24/7
how m&m's are made: chocolate or peanut or those almond shitty things?
why manhole covers are round: what? fuck you man.
one or the other
coke/pepsi: coke
sprite/7-up: sprite
boxers/briefs: boxers
gold/silver: silver
vanilla/chocolate: ahhh.. again.. maybe chocolate
flowers/candy: flowers
book/magazine: mag
tv/radio: tv
glass half empty/half full: half full
democrat/republican: democrat
colored pencils/markers: markers
coffee/tea: tea
sun/moon: moon
day/night: night
hot/cold: cold
dog/cat: dog
button/zipper: zipper
cotton/feather pillow: cotton
blue/purple: blue
plumber/trashman: trashman
jeans/shorts: shorts
long distance relationship/none: none
mechanical/regular pencil: mechanical
matt/ben: ben
that 70's show/simpsons: 70s show
kelso/eric: eric
donna/jackie: donna
bart/lisa: bart.. fuck lisa
romeo/juliet: juliet
romantic comedy/thriller: thriller
nsync/bsb: how bout none? but maybe nsync
peanut butter/jelly: pb
waffles/pancakes: waffles
letter/email: email
florida/california: cali
pizza/burgers: pizza
hat/visor: visor
football/rugby: rugby
iceskating/blading: blading
movie at home/in theater: both is good..
first thing you think of when you hear
yellow: stuff on barretts tongue
red lipstick: your mom
socks: yay. no cold feet
cowtipping: rednecks?
moulin rouge: never seen it.. maybe paris?
greenland: GREEN land.. is there lots of green?
iceland: ICE land... is there lots of.. lol..MISS WORLD!!
harry potter: not a fan. but millions of $$$$
red: blood, gore, sick shit going on!! yay!! lol
blackberry: acceptable
rose: romantic.
rooster: chicken.
taxes: ehh.. its worse in germany
bill clinton: monica lewinsky.
whipped cream: sexy time
george w. bush: hmmm.. dont want to offend any of my republican friends.. but not good.
lollipops: girls- hott boys- gay
dreams: hopefully good
love: hopefully coming soon!!!
guys: homies.
south park: ehh.. watchable.. but not a fan
boy bands: come on you fucks..
pengiuns: pengiuns? pengiuns?
girls: some cool, some bitches... and i need one badly
thong: WAWAWEEWA!!!! only way to go girls!
death: sad
spoons: eating utensils?
junk mail: hate it
dairy: cheese!!!!!!!!
panties: good, good.
your father: cool.
pizza: best invention ever!!!
britney spears: i'd do her.
vitamin: good for u.
are you
happy: not really.
sad: a little bit.
religious: nope. i believe tho.
bitchy: no.
crazy: i have my moments
messy: i try not to be, but its hard when u live in a box
mad: no
slacker: no
nerd: no
bookworm: no
jock: no
preppy: no
selfish: sometimes
giving: sometimes.. but i'm rather a giver than receiver ;)
obsessive: no
violent: not at all
calm: 90% of the time
peaceful: always..
mellow: ja
eccentric: no
caring: ja
untrustworthy: no
loyal: ja
patriotic: no
perverted: hhehehe... sometimes.
colorful: black.
artistic: a little
what color is your jacket: which one?
do you shave: of course..
where: in my bathroom?
what color is your razor: silver, black, green
what size is your bed: queen
what color crayon would you be: black
what are the last four digits of you phone number: 7233
feelings on abortion: go ahead.
how lond does it take you to shower: bout 10 mins
what does your screenname mean: it means: JERRY SHOULD GET IN THE MOOD FOR DETAILS
thoughts on blonde pop stars in general: wawaweewa
who so you trust the most: i trust almost everyone
is cussing a necessity in life: yes
how about coffee: nope.. caffeine maybe
is the world screwed: not totally
what something you cant live without: myspace, friends, parents (not in that order)
what time did you fall asleep: ahh.. i passed out at 1:30 or so
know what 69 means: yes i do.
how about 143: uhmm sorry no.
can you live without a microwave: i could but would be sad
what do think about death: ahhhhh.. go away.
where and when do you want to be married: couple of years.. after i made my 1st million, and somewhere romantic
do you want to drop out of school: no way
why is the sky blue: cause ur mama said so
what is a good trait about yourself: i'm very.... almost perfect.
what do you always think about: how i need to find a girl
what is wrong with your school: too many bitches!!!
what is right with your school: alcohol, parties, girls(not bitches), homies, campus
how do you react to change: depends how big the change is
do you talk to yourself: not when i'm sober
what is your opinion on love: I WANT IT NOW!!!
can you afford to lose weight: oh i could afford it
what color would you dye your hair: blacker than the inside of a cows anus on a moonless night
best thing anyones told you: i love you, and: not pregnant. lol
what is your reaction to someone telling you you're hot: i say thank you very much. are u? ;)
does being psycho appeal to you: usually not.
if you wrote a book, what would it be about: people in general
what would you change your name to: dr. george washington
longest crush lasted how long: not too long.
tme finished: 3:42
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