Art, Anime, Cars, Cartoons, Girls, Sports, Movies, Livin it up with a little alcohol, etc.
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Anyone...Just stop on by and introduce yourself. Maybe even leave a comment and/or message. Ladies, I am available.Make sure to check out this IM networking site:IMVU - The World's Greatest 3D ChatIt's a lot funnier than your average IM.
Too many to list...let's just say I like a lot of movies.
The Simpsons, Family Guy, King of the Hill, Futurama, American Dad, ESPN, Bleach, Naruto, FoodNetwork, Speed Channel, Discovery Channel, and a little Disney Channel with a side of MTV
I've read so many books and thousands of magazines, but my all time favorite book is Curious George...That monkey is always getting into mischief : P
CLICK HERE TO GET A PRE-MADE MYSPACE LAYOUTMy Grandpa, who taught me about the world as I grew.....