Welcome to the Passion MySpace!
It's Elim Christian Centre's turn to host Passion in June! Following on from the exciting time we had at Kingdom Life Church at the end of April, we've got Ayanda Jacobs(an amazing woman of God from South Africa - see blog) coming to speak to everyone, as well as lively, interactive worship, prayer space, DJ's and much more! So be sure not to miss out - everyone is invited to attend - it's free and starts at 7pm, so be there!!
(Elim is situated on Gladstone Road, at the end nearest to town. Limited parking is available in the streets nearby!) more info
26/04/2008: April: So Long!
So, we've already had our second Passion night of the year - and what a fantastic night it was!! But now we're looking forwards to the next event in June! Drop us some feeback on the event, and what you though. You can do this through MySpace, via email or on Facebook! Just drop us a couple of lines with your thoughts! :)
18/03/2008: April Event!
OK, so as we're writing this, there's 39 days days lfet until the next Passion event! So we're gearing up for it - we can confirm the guest speaker this time will be a nice named Jim. Jim Wilkinson - he's a funny guy, who's passionate about this generation!! Remember to invite everyone you know who's young(ish) in your church, and around other churches - and get involved!
10/01/2008: From New Generation!
We've cleverly managed to find a brief article and pics from the New Generation website! They were only posted three months ago now, so we figured we could share! See below this news section!! (Thanks to New Generation, particularly Sarah, for all the help!). Also - New Generation is coming back to Northampton in March. Keep a look out!
03/01/2008: Happy 2008!
Hey guys! Happy new year! Just over a month until the February event! Things are coming together now - the promo videos for the event are up! So have a peek, use them as you want!! Lets make the events this year Passion nights to remember!
04/12/07: February Event & 2008!
Hey! Our February event is looking like it's going to be a good 'un! We've got Alf Cooper - an amazing missionary in South America - coming to speak at the February event. Everything is now underway to get the next event ready!
2008 should be a good year. We're hoping that 2008 will be a year of growth for you, and for Passion. We'll be getting involved in Hope 08 ( www.hope08.com ). There's lots more to come, and we're looking for more people to get involved in the team from different church! See you next year, right?!
Copy the code below, and put the banner on your profile!
Passion is about worshipping God, with our hearts, minds and songs! It's also about unity! We're always looking for new young people, leaders and churches to get involved in organising Passion events!
If you think you can help please drop us a message on here, or email us at passionnorthampton@hotmail.co.uk! If you're a church youth leader who hasn't really been involved or been to a Passion event before, we'd love to hear from you. :)
MySpace: www.myspace.com/passionnorthampton
Email: passionnorthampton@hotmail.co.uk
(you can also get in touch via Facebook)
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