--- LoVeS An!mALs sPeCiALLy DogS!!!
--- OvErLy K!kAy
--- hAs hYpEr-AcT!viTy DiSoRdEr :-P
--- HaTes pLaStiC pEoPLe
--- L0vEs B!g B!kEs (DaMn! GoD KnOWs hOw mUcH I LoVe 'Em!!! haha!!!)
--- Pa!n iN ThE A** :-P
--- LoVeS P!nK, YeLLow aNd Wh!tE
--- bEaUtY BuFF
--- LoVEs To EaT :-))
--- hAs a WeAkNeSs fOr ThE bEaCh (ReAd: BeAcH BuM)
--- mAkEs EvErY eFFoRt tO bEcOmE MuLt!LiNgUaL
--- AnT!-MaNdAtOrY ShEEph0oD!!! :-P
--- CaFFeInE aDDiCT
--- sLeeP EaTeR!!!
--- LoVeS ChAd MiChAeL MuRrAy!!!
--- a cOmPuLsIvE sHoPPer!!!
--- LoVeS sHoEs, CLotHes, SALES...168 rocks!!!
How to make a Sam
3 parts competetiveness
5 parts ambition
3 parts energy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add wisdom to taste! Do not overindulge!
Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com
You are a Sileighty, Fast and furious (in a
non-ricey way) you love to slide through the
turns at incredible speed with the skill of a
god such as Keiichi
What Drift Car are You? (With Pictures)
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