TerrorSquat profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am ta ta ta tara. i like prank calling people with my friends and singing sweet ass rap beats that make no goddam sense. making an ass out of my self is probably what i do best. right now i am a junior at ok state, majoring in zoology. i hate stillwater, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. i live with my feline friend peter. she's the my best friend. oi oi, i like to keep things punk rock, all the time.

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Pink blossoms - Image Hosting

My Interests

sleeping & dreaming, reading, watching movies, learning about the environment and animals and how i can benefit the world... not being oblivious to my surroundings, questioning everything

I'd like to meet:

not you.


sublime, flaming lips, the faint, architecture in helsinki, polyaphonic spree, violent fems, wallflowers, tripping daisies (alternative rock) frank sinatra, alexisonfire, boys night out, FATA, on broken wings, comeback kid, silverstien, tiger army, death cab for a cutie, postal service, marvin gaye, johnny cash, garth brooks... almost anything?


evil dead, evil dead 2, army of darkness, harry potter (all of them), waynes world, everything is illuminated, monsier ibraham (spell check), war movies, foriegn films, documentaries, anything funny cheesy horror.


i don't own a tv but when i do watch tv i usually watch like the discovery channel, movies and most deff infomertials I 3 INFOMERTIALS!!!


harry potter, catcher in the rye, a seperate peace, the perks to being a walflower, tuesdays with maury, the lovely bones, super foods rx currently reading: school books :/. i read a lot of books on anatamy, nutrition, forensics, serial killers.. ect. please suggest something... i love suggestions.

