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band of the month

Unheilig have shown why they are still one of the best bands in Germany with the release of their Pupenspiel album. If you haven't checked these guys out yet, then you are missing out!

Cd of the month

Mono Inc. - Temple of the Torn
Mono Inc exploded onto our stereo with their fantastic agressive rock. Ally lyrics are in English but the band definately stay true to their German roots musically. A fantastic cd that must be checked out by all rock fans. Check out the Mono Inc Myspace page


Founded in December 2003, originally started out as a forum where English speaking fans of German Music could talk about their favourite bands.

As the popularity of the forum grew, so too did the information provided. It was then decided to turn the forum into a full website community. The site was relaunched and now included the latest news and views in the world of German Music. Interviews then followed, having interviewed such bands as oomph! KMFDM, In Extremo among others. With monthly hits going through the roof became a great place for German bands to promote their music to the English speaking world. And thats what we are all about.

All bands either from Germany or with German lyrics are encouraged to promote their music on the site either by sending in their work for review or by self promotion in the forums. Check it out for your self at

Friends & feedback

My Blog

New look has been completely redesigned and re-coded to ensure the site is much more secure and because the old site was well overdue for an overhaul. All the same content has been transferre...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 20:39:00 GMT

Interview with Joachim Witt

Ok all Deutsche Musik fans, we are very proud to announce that our next interview will be conducted with the German music legend that is Joachim Witt. A veteran of the music industry and a name that s...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 22:53:00 GMT Survey

Hey all,Well has been up and running for just over 2 years now and it's about time I got some feedback from the visitors to see what I can improve on and see what I'm getting right. ...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 16:17:00 GMT