iS lik3 x-m@s t0 me eveRyDay sincEs { 11-I9-2o06 } profile picture

iS lik3 x-m@s t0 me eveRyDay sincEs { 11-I9-2o06 }

after me, u not only took a step down the ladder you fell the f*ck off it... waTs the p0int 0ff havi

About Me

"* its fUNNY how MANY critique wHEN tHEY have NO idea OF who THE fuck I am* (FUCK THE HATERZ!!!)1*"
name: miGueL age: 20 location: da DiiRTY HaBiiChueLa anything else: just ask
some reaL talk :PPl liie t0 g0d everyday.. s0 wha makes u think they d0nt lie 2 u?
sh00t me, stab me, buh w0rds wiLL neva hurt meaggravated :i'm sm0kin my life away... because... dreaminsz r useless. KiLLin is t00 c0MM0n death is a daiLy trap.. Laughs r t0 a mininum. SmiLes fade away.. tears stain yur face. br0ken hearts r never mended. nd race wiLL never b accepted. Worrying causes pain. Trust is never appreciated. Sins are commited every sec0nd.. n verbal disbutes r m0re dangerous than a l0aded weapon. feelinz r always hurt... w0rk never pays en0ugh biLLs r always c0min... n m0st 0f ma l0ved 0nes rest in heaven. education is t0 expensive. n01 ever listens. 0ur cities air is t0xic.. & most of our children r all disrupted.. my l0ve is never en0ugh. my g00d wiLL never gets me anywhere cops r always b0thering me.. nd ma visions fuckin h0rrible. friends always betray u ppl wh0 u th0ught wuld never bak stab u...stabbed u. nd n01 cares when u need help cus every0ne is always 0ut. fuckin drugs destroyed 1 of ma best friends. & once again im hea left wid n0thing.. dis w0rld is s0 c0nfusing h0w many obsticles d0 i have t0 presue in..??. im tired...of this bullshit.. when ma intensions are s0 perfect
responsibiltys :
responsiblity is a f0rm 0f auth0rity... it's the ability t0 b responsible & keep charge. wh0 is t0 ann0unce 0ne's responsiblities.. -- when they can't even complete their 0wn? c0uld my assumptions be factual --0r is it possible i'm inaccurate? But when i see h0meless individuals stranded.. s0meb0dy's responsibility has been abandoned, and i imagine this identical pers0n is enf0rcing a responsibilty 0n 0n an0ther living soul... and i'm certain they anticipate f0r their wishes t0 be granted as they were told. and i understand the ignorance of s0me people isnt the fault 0f the inn0cent wh0 are well at heart.. but my invisions make it hard to accept h0w responsiblities are br0ken a l0t. c0uld my poetic skill be my responsibilty fr0m g0d? t0 b able t0 express my feelinsz 0f c0mm0n situations that make life s0 hatd? I'm tryin t0 change s0methin that continues in each american heart.. and das to change the way people treat responsibilties ...because it's m0re den a w0rd 0n a dictionary chart....
my heart :
d0nt dis0bey y0ur heart I'm blind to protection, so i continue to fade and fade. My lights are dimming, and my soul is collapsing. I realize my sins are breaking me, but i keep doin what wiLL kill me. I guess maybe someone will s00n save me, even though my days are s0 rainy. uSeless appears to b my everydays, and my s0rr0ws never change.
mE :
beCause ii learned h0w to play the fuCkinq qaMe aCtions speak lOuder then wOrds -- so recongnize what you see * <[b>miGueL] :yOu know that i`Ll aLways be here .... ii guess thats why you aRent . | ii live in hp on the weekdays && beech st. or were ever the party was at on the weekends ;; ii go to jfynetworks - / - i`m 5 fo0t 10 & a half * ii cuRreNtly have black hair * -- ii have one piercing * [ t0ngue ][ 4 tattoo's ] but gettin a new oneee veryy soon < can`t wait > * age is n0thin : but a number to me :: siince ii was about fiive (( ii have been through it all seen it alL : hErd al0t : d0ne al0t : ii seriousLy think that i`ve grew up wayyy too fast :: but i`ve learned alot fr0m everything tRust me * i've beenthere | i`ve learned i`ve grown*d0nt fuCk with tHe knownlegde -- ii dont feel badd for people who think that they have life hard because if you took a walk in my fo0tsteps yOu`d stUmbLe in a second ~ ii find it wiCked hard to tRust someone .. ii have been fucked over so many times its rediculOus * i`ve come to realize that "just because" someone "says" yOur their bestfriend will telL all yOur secrets in a heartbeat -- (( i`m very singLe -- the whole situation is compliicated || -- she`s the 0NLYONE that can fiLl that emptyspace in my heart :: whenever we`re together it seems like nothing else can matter * LOVE : there is not a day that you wilL NOT see me in either one of those .. ? i`m obsessed with ice cream ? ? ii absolutely am glaD that i got my fRiends * - outacontrol D0ESN`t even expLain us _ thrOugh thiCk & thin . and we are just getting bigger by the second my friends are aLways there- they are my shadow ? h0nestly ii hate FAKES , ii pers0naLly dont need to pUt on an :aCt: f0r nobody [ ii am who ii am ] noone can change that - ii say whats on my miind ; ii :dont: care if it offends you && if ii d0nt like you -- ii w0nt [ pretend ] i`M always up f0r new things ; i`m very outgoing ; ii live for my weekends
more :
iM gOnNA sHIne iM gonNa mAke iT aInt nOHting tOo iT... i tAke iT.i gIve iT.. sTRaight gEt iT.. iF u dOnt bEliEve.. u dOnt suCcEsSed.. N iF u doNt aPply u doNt acHievE..kEep uR hEAd uPp hIgh fEEt dOwn lOw fOlLow uR heARt tiLl u gEt tO Da dOor nEvA tRuSt a sOUl FUQ'A MYSPACE..THIS IS MY S P A C E!! JUS CuZ U No The NaMEDoNT MeAN U No ME..So FaLL BaC OR BREAK THE FUQ OUT LIKA RASH PRIVATE 4 Da HATAS..NAH IMMA CALL U FANS.. NOW WHERES MY PEN? ..if iam ur lucky number 7 ur money is assout! lol realTalk i hate games
the reason why i love been a capricorn :
CapricornJust as I was writing this one, my Capricorn friend proceeds to call me...Capricorns are psychic by accident. They have no idea the fates smile on them from time to time...they just accept it an move on. You can turn on a Cappie just by breathing on them. They are strong and responsible and have dignity. But they are too easy to turn on sometimes. And watch out when they are horny...whoever is in the room better have protection. They are natural screamers and leave bite marks. they like sex a lot as a favorite past time. Usually durinig commercial breaks is perfect. Its nothing for a Cappie to fuck seven or eight times during commercial breaks in an hour long T.V. Show. They like to do it in the shower...on the furniture...on other peoples furniture...on other peoples, if they are in the could be at the Presiden't inaugeration...get ready for some nookie! They love to bite. They might seem at first sight of them rather cold and insensitive. But when they warm up? There is no stopping them. They like to have the back of their knees licked. They live for tongue massages. They think porno is just SILLY...who thought THAT up? But they will watch it to see if they are missing anything. Give them dim lighting, a roaring fireplace and a nice bottle of might as well reconcile yourself to the fact that you better leave the phones off for the entire weekend and order food in. They like to play long as they are in charge. This is a misunderstood sign...they can be very kinky. As long as it is with people they love.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

general :
Ima cool ass person, I don't like drama, most people usually get along with me when they meet me, and the people who don't like me it's 'cause thyey heard the wrong shit, or they hating. Lol, no lie. I can be all of a sudden very close to you, but then I'll dissapear, don't take it offensively, I just do me. I hear that I'm too nice alot of the time if i like you, if I don't like you, sit back and hold tight, I can be a complete bitch. If I don't like you, I gurantee I will not look at you, talk to you, or acknowledge your existance. I don't talk shit, but I will basically die laughing if I hear shit. Ima bug out if I'm comfortable with you. I sound like a maniac laughing which makes other people laugh. Hehe. I'm cool with everyone, but I have very few friends. I rep hpvboyz. Anything else

life :
Life is really starting to make sense, and for the first time in a long time, I'm conten with the way my life is going. Im doing alright in school, I got a easy good paying job, I get along great wif my family, And I meet a shorty**a frienD who's unique and simple and she keeping me hapPy, so for all you people who ain't happy, don't bring me down with you. I got haters(surprisingly, i thought everyone loved me, guess not) and bitches that be looking at me wrong but you know what, at the end of the day I'm the one laughing cause my life is perfect, Is yours?

haters :
Everyone use to talk so much shit, 'bout how hes lazy not going no were, and a bitch, and craved attention, but when it came down to it, they were all thinking the same thing. I wish I was him
u cAn cOuNt uR fRiEnDs oNlY iN oNe hAnD...i gOt mY 5

facts :
Life is not about how many breaths you take;; it's about how many of life's moments take your breath away. Sadness is Truth, Tears are the Facts

Who I'd like to meet: :
n e 0ne wh0 can make s0methin positive de algo negativo es un h3roe a mí
but if i had a choice god,cause he Grant Me The Serenity 2 Accept The Things I Cannot Change, The Strength 2 Change The Things I Can, & The Wisdom 2 Know The Difference."
.....general every person u meet.. u learn from. I only wanna learn from tha best - - s0 wh0ever walks into my life... i rather meet truth. u feel me??

?? :
We cannot win or find a joy that wiLL last. So where do we look to; to find a reason? Our one and only proud times usually get trashed or forgotten. And almost everyone experiences a crushed feeling. At times I feel like theres just no exit; to get away. But even though the capture feeling hits me; i never struggle to find a way, because on the other side... i lost hope to every find change. So who am i to presume any love in my life is true? When conditions of hate hit me left and right - - and in the end my unconditonal love turns into disgust- - when i gave so much. And i can't say my life is useless, just because of a foul m0ment which wiLL eventually pass on by. I'm not going to deny my tears, so i let them flow . . but it scares me to know that when i dry my eye... my tissue is stained wid black liquid drops that came from my cry. I guess internally i'm not really as sad as i should be, but my black liquid tears tell me im scared of what will become of me. I guess internally i just hate you, even though hate is a horrid emotion to ever admit- but really i cant stand you. How could you ever let me pass on by .. and leave me stranded when i always stood at your side. And how could I ever become a better person? When i keep getting all this ' i'm never good enough ' attention. And i d0nt wannt hurt myself or my once loved one. . so i sit back and c0ntinue my writing which s0metimes d0esnt help none. I just hate the fact that our love is expired... and deep down i wanna die.. but i refuse t0 c0mmit an0ther sin.. s0 g0d plz help me... and d0nt let her win.

Nothing lasts forever, So live it up, Drink it down, Laugh it off, Avoid da bullshyt, Take chances && never have regrets, because at one point, everything you did was exactly what u wanted.

If U Gonna Add Me, Comment Da Pics & PG...Or U'll B Deleted, Cuz I Aint Gonna B 1 More Person On Ur List
And if we ever meet up don't ever ask me "are you serious?" after i verbalize something to you.cause iam going to take it like a insult.cause trust me iam not going to use up foolishly my time on trying to impress a NOBODY to me.