kLEo profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I aM thE auThoR of My owN miseRy and JoY, and jouRnaLs.I'm a coFFeePunK, a biT of a suBveRsive boHemiAn by OutLook, and a bit oF a HandFuL, I lOve TaTToos, stick figure cartoons, Al PaCino, the old sKool, mooChing aroUnd op ShoPs, popuLaR cuLtuRe,LonG isLanD iCeD tEas, pinK aNd purple, and grEen anD bLuE, aLL prEttY thInGs, qUiRkY peOplE, sKateBoaRdinG, industrial design, RandOmneSS, spaRkly thiNgs, LavishNess, 8o'S electRonica, huMour, vaMpiRe movieS, anImaLs, the urban, the country, beiNg un-PC, juSticE, sTyle, tRuTh, good ManneRs, aNd laUgHing, eSpeCiaLLy LauGHing xxx .... here comes the kudos ---->

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the unConventioNaL, swEEt, and The iNteLLigeNt. thE BoheMian, pEopLe wHo cAn maKE mE giGGLe. QuiRky inDividUaLs, peopLe of inTelleCt, peOpLe whO saY whaT they Mean and MeaN whAt theY saY. peOpLe whO aRe tRue to ThemseLveS.pEoPle whO drinK coffEE. peOple wHo waNt 2 buY mE coFFee. peOplE who sMeLL liKe cOffEENo gaMePLayERs thAnkS aLL tHe saMe, thAt's noT ok. bE niCe and be KinD aND BE trUe, LiFe is tUff enuff alReady.
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

My Blog

eeeek eeeek sTiLL no SighTings oF le MouSe

ComE ouT coME ouT wheReveR you Are.  StiLL nothiNg to RepoRt on The mouSe froNT, juSt a tRaiL of EviDenCe.HoW harD can iT be.  BeTTeR get mySeLf somE cheeSe and coBBLe toGetheR my owN veRsio...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 22:26:00 GMT

the tale of the mouse

well, that darn mouse has been having the time of its life, eating through half a packet of lightly buttered popcorn quite nicely thank you very much.still no confirmed sighting of the perp, but the s...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 16:49:00 GMT

1 moRe reaSon to TrusT my caT

foR the laSt monTh my Cat TabbY has Been obseSSed witH the kitChen CupBoard, watChinG intenTly, fixaTed.  I kePt teaSing HeR abouT a ghoSt mouSe and laugHing to MyselF, even ThreaTened heR with T...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 22:09:00 GMT

a laZy lonG weeKend

bRRR it's cold'isH, buT noThinG a weLL kniTTed knEE ruG won'T Fix, anD a hoT waTer bOttle coMe to thiNk oF iT.I love coLd stoRmy daYs, a Good booK anD a glaSS of Red wiNe.mMMmmMmmmm
Posted by on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 19:30:00 GMT

nEiL fiNN- a giFt to thE woRLd

And praise will come to those whose kindness leaves you without debt And bends the shape of things that haven't happened yet
Posted by on Sun, 27 May 2007 02:47:00 GMT

inteResting tImEs

theRe aRe peopLe I have Met in liFe whO aRe inSpiRing, who poSSes skiLLs and chaRacter viRtues thaT I am saDLy berefT of mySeLf and thAt I asPiRe to. peopLe come in anD ouT of my Life aT poinTs in tim...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 16:42:00 GMT

have You eveR exPeriEnced the TumbLewEEd?

haVe yoU eveR cauGht youRselF imaGining TumbLeweed roLLinG pasT wheN you'Re in a Convo wiTh soMeone, teRRibLe I KnoW, but kinDa amuSing.  It's the EquiVaLenT oF gLazinG oveR I guEss. LiSteNinG to...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 22:27:00 GMT

oN the bRink

2007 haS beeN a fuLL on yeAr so faR. I am bloSSominG I aM on thE brinK of SomeThinG gOrgeoUs I am So ReaDy bRing it On
Posted by on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 03:10:00 GMT

OK oN a RoLL sO here'S mOwa ov mY raMbLinGs

LisTeninG 2 aLL soRTs ov MusiC I haVen't LiSteNed 2 foR aGes, sMasHinG PumPkiNs; eRasuRe; NIN, gLenn CaMpbell; dEpECHE moDe; ecHo and the BunnYmeN; wHam; the SmiTHs; TaLk TaLk; the CuRe;&nbs...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 23:24:00 GMT

I LOVE mY goRgeouS sisteR & cOmpLex broTher

I Feel aLL oveRwheLMed with lOve for mY siSter and brotHer, I'm SO luCky to haVe sUcH greAt sibLIiNgs, I miSs theM (being that they live in Auckland), I doN't Get up to tHe big conGested, o...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 23:12:00 GMT