Japanese, Spanish, French, Italian, Hebrew,sci-fi, fantasy, romantic comedies, acting, life, Shakespeare, mythology, Japan, Spain, Italy, Israel, Judaism, Buddhism, baseball, Padres
B'z, Glay, Gackt, Aerosmith, Tina Turner, Fiddler On The Roof, Bollywood, Beach Boys, Styx, Kiss, Rolling Stones, Queen, Rammstein, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Twisted Sister, Brooks and Dunn
Star Wars,, Indiana Jones, Under The Tuscan Sun, Yojimbo, Tanpopo, Minbo no Onna, Shall We Dansu, Rush, Junikokki, Miyazaki anime, Lord of the Rings, As Good as it Gets, Mummy, Star Trek, Spiderman, Independence Day
Enterprise, South Park, Simpsons, Queer Eye, documentaries,history, Will and Grace, Stargate, Drawn Together,Queer As Folk, Japanese Dramas
Tanach, Dragon Lance, Physics, Japanese novels, Good Luck, Breaking into Japanese Literature, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Souseki Natsume, Le Morte D'Arthur, Don Quijote
nobody...there is really no one I look up to or envy or feel has mentored me...