gutentag meine furher ich heisse bob ich bin neunzehn jahre alt and i fucking hate german bit random rele but who gives a fuck! any ways im off 2 uni in sept to fail a degree in motorsport engineering. when im not at uni which is pretty much gna be all the timee ull find me in the field house with my drunken friends playing quiz machines and generally dicking about loosing money. as for the lack of photos on my profile there will be sum shortly mostly of my car because i love it soooo much! cus its ruder than granny porn. speaking of porn and the lack of fotos. some will be posted shortly as i left my camera at some black chick called wandas house last week whilst filming home made porn films with her and a guy with a shocking resemblance to postman pat in there bath tub. hey it was gud money until sum chav stole it from me you know who you are! 68p may not be a lot but its the principle of it that counts ya cunt!