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The Matrix Exposed Broadcast

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This Broadcast is a summary Broadcast of the Babylonian goddess Ishtar Isaiah 14:12 Lucifer another name for Satan The Several Doves Holy Spirit Easter Eggs Ancient Egypt The Morning Star or The Evening Star Male and Female Juno Month of June Peacock also i am not asking you to believe me you can believe ''jesus christ ''was born again on easter not my business want you believe .PE@CEDownload from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I discuss Weather-warfare Chemtrails Terrforming Outta Space Treaty United Nations Hackers 9/11 Building 7 White Vans Secret Rebels Secret Space Program secret government Man on the moon by 2020 Robert Gates FBI webste Osama Ben Laden underground bases Jump-rooms Stargates geo -engineering global warming sun rays. reverse engineering alien Craft UFOS moon and mars bases ( Adam & Eve ) Mars SocietyDownload from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I discuss Fema Camps Rex 84 program Operation Garden Plot Operation Cable Splicer Executive Orders poplulation suspend the Constitution and the Bill of RightsDownload from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I discuss StarGates 8-pointed Star Eleven 9/11 Death and Resurection Egpytians Rituals Time-Travel Santic Cern manhattan project Frequhency Tuners Magick Science Jump-Rooms to mars Pentagram Enegry Vampires The Four corners of time and space Negative events 9/11 Stonehenge Vortex Vatican Washington Sun Symbols of Orisis 666 Ancient Sacifacal Spots all the world Pyramid power Soistices Equinoxes HAARP Eiffel Tower Obelisks Eight-Gates The Doors Aliens The Illuminati Dimensions Children pure engery Broadcast I discuss SIrius-dog star Gray aliens Orion Orsiris Freemasonry hidden masters Ufos Underwater Citys The DNA human structure Sir Fransic Bcaon American the new Atlantis Knights Tamplar Internatioal Banking Cartel Planes Flying Fish Web Hands birth process Gills like Fish Bermuda Triangle pyramid top secret government techhology the masonic botherhood the two-fishs Orion Constellation Egyptians dated the sun-raising to 666 washington obelisk 666 inches pentagram mermaids queen sumerimus constellation columb Sirius A Montauk Project Time-Traveling chair Tesla tower Martian Sphinx isis own goddess sirius radio the craft the shellDownload from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I disscuss CFR Global Governmance Agenda G-20 summit in london World Bank Reptilians beyond the 5-sense level Jay Rockefeller the internet should not exist internet 2 Cyber-False Flag Attack blamed on Hackers Obama passed law allowing Government to Search peoples Computers and Pcs Honda Connecting Brains to Robots ORDER OUT OF CHAOS Ordo AB CHao Cern 666 creating matter Mahatten Project destorying matter Lucifer Project creating and destorying matter at the same time Science a Occult Practice 60 known moons of Saturn one called the DeathStarDownload from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I Discuss alot information here is a link to download the full broadcast
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This Broadcast Summary I discuss Captoline hill '' Human Skull hill'' Captol Hill Romain Empire Caesar Reptilians Egyptian pyramid one dollar bill with all seeing eye of lucifer Codex Vitamins Globally Illegal on Dec 31, 2009 Monsanto satan seeds farms Spider Goats cross-breeding animals & humans one world trade center building ( new world order building) in new york empire state The British Royal Family rockfellers rothschilds alan geenspan elitist cold blooded reptilies Download from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I discuss The United Nations Agenda ( Agenda 21 ) Carbon Tax Carbon Monsters World Government Eco-occuitism Green Commuism Gaia Worship ( UN's Meditation Room ) Cow Slaughter Farm United Nations Buildings ( New World Order ) The Crown National Service Force 7 million national army banned free speech and protest anti-humanist humanist obama bots world class Spirtual Guru Pagan Ritual Sacifice senate rubber stamps enslavement bill death camps opened in Auguest and September Fed will shut down banks Money of no Vaule. Download from Uploading.comThis Broadcast is a little summary of words ,meanings and symbols Washington D.C.owl isis Osiris the morning star Lucifer sirius dog star-god -star Ishtar goddess venus jesus saturn worships brick-masons order of the quest pentagram pentagon 9/11/41 easter occult cern 666 saturn EL secret societies mystery schools luk-oil luke Lucius lucifer egypt freemasons satan conspiracy . Download from Uploading.comThis Broadcast i discuss Biological Weapons AIDS ( HIV ) 1960 CDC FDA Merck Vaccine Hepatitis B Gay men Black Central Africa in 1974 (HAARP) High Frequency Active Auroal Research Program ELF technology 1930 Weather Control Berwick Witchs Chemtrails Posion House Passes Mandatory Service Bill U.N environnment heads want Global Warming Tax The Green New Deal Population Control Global 2000 Pelosi Tells illegal Immigrants that work site raids are un-american North American Union Nazi Germany Socialist HPV Pagan Black Magic Angels don't play HAARP Cancer the Sky-grid Download from Uploading.comThis Broadcast i Discuss Druids Priest-Class 2nd Century Samhain '' God of the Dead'' Summer's end Wicker Men Jack-O Lantern Human Sacrifices Oak Tree Fire Cleansings Groves Pentagon spy Blimps Rader System Providing Surveillance Program ISIS Cheneys Assassination Unit Killed U.S Citizens Obama Expanded Wars. Obama wants to Raulate Food Codex Alimentarus Risk Assessment Food poison World Trade Organization United Nations Dec-31st 2009 Download from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I discuss The Civil Soverighty Flag The Federal Reserve Instrument of debt Mystrey of the forgotten U.S Flag Agenda 21 Untied Nations Depopulation Mother Earth Pentagon Plans Blimp to spy from New Heights Washginton Post Blimp Float 65,000 feet above earth Obama wants Vets to pay for Service Related Injuries CNN Fluidride GMO food Pagans 6 Billion to 500 Million Dec 31st 2009 3 billion deaths 1 billion by starvation Globalist Gold Backing United States Notes Great Depression.. Download from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I discuss Pentagon Knowingly exposed troops to cancer underclared war on mexcian boarder smart phones tracks user interests, habits, locations terrorist watch list hits 1 millions entries up 32 % since 2007 Big Brother cctv cameras in classrooms to monitor teachers performance new world order globalist The Federal Reserve chemtrails biowarfare bird flu virius china mexcio depression war orwellin state hijacked governmentDownload from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I discuss Bilderberger plot to control U.S Food Growing Organic Food a Crime Prince Charles only 100 months to save the planet united nations global warming agenda mother earth depopulation Eugenist Breeding Humans Molech Larry Summers More money for the bankers The illuminati Nite owl ''Movie Wanted " Fratenity Order Sloan reptilians blood drinking Fox Angelina Jolie Bohemian Grove Lady isis mummy fire god Lakeside talks Mahattan Project Kingdom of babylon mileage tax co2 new york times sky news cross CFR indepnendet farmers knights tamplars assasinsDownload from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I discuss Fox political Brainwashing( 666 Network )Green Warriors Obama Carbon tax Global Warming United Nations Scam CVS Pharmacy sorcery Martime Law Law of the High Sea Mother Earth Operation Dark Winter ( 3 months before 9/11 ) Crone Witch's God with Horns Marvel Comics New World Order Agenda great sacrifice to gaia Osiris Lord of the underworld the green man PDD51 White House paying for fake news Download from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I discuss Baxter Bird Flu Virus ''War of the Worlds'' Radio Broadcast 1938, Project Blue Beam Great White Brotherhood ,Rosicrucians, Sky news Asteroid near miss this week with earth The Elite ,Venus Wal-Mart Camps China ,Church Documents encourages Congregation to Obey Government Apocalypse World Ipods Iphone Cancer CBS Ishtar The Babylon Goddess Easter, The Roman God Mars Aries Race , Alien hoax Breeding Cults Social Experiment Predictive Programming Download from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I discuss Manly Palmer Hall secret destiny of america 911 the number connection the secret orders behind america and the world,freemasons , illuminati the order of the quest.the the magick 11 Free Download Download from Uploading.comThis Broadcast i discuss and it starts off with the second sagment ...John D Rockefeller National Education Association 9/11 Freemasons Thomas Jefferson order of the bees ( Illuminati ) Benjamin Freakin Executive Order 6073,6102,6111,6260 FEMA The New World Order plan. United Nations World Bank World Religion Roosevelt National Educator Forced Population Control number 11 GM food Rockefeller Foundation Aftermath News BBC News Associated Press Times Online Report Hive Mind Bavaria Microchip Super-Computer download full version here Download from Uploading.comHERE IS ANOTHER FREE DOWNLOADS OF ONE MY BROADCAST basic words meanings and symbolsDownload from Uploading.comin this broadcast i discuss ego vs self prediction of programing illuminati aids abortion horus jesus words meanings sybmols colors download the full verson here Download from Short Verson here Download from Uploading.comIn this broadcast i discuss hollywood the occult words meanings sybmols the music industryDownload from Uploading. comIn this classic Broadcast i discuss the issues of the day obama and the new world orderDownload from Uploading. comIn this Broadcast I discuss ''Dream agents'' Mind Control ,Reptilian ,Galaxy History, the Human Race Download from Uploading. comIn this Broadcast I discuss words, Meanings,Symbols aliens,montauk project owl goddess ,lucifer Washington, D.C.
9/11http://www. sendspace. com/file/0h5t74digital tv, mind control ,Spy Technology mass ritual, june 12 ,goddess juno , lucifer sixth month this is my predictionDownload from Uploading.comIn this Broadcast I discuss or should say connect the dots.. Dark Knight ,Batman ,Philadelphia Experiment illuminati,reptilians ,inner earth , hollow earth santa claws ,the joker . draco ,sirius mind control,vampires,obama ,two faceDownload from Uploading.comin this broadcast i discuss halloween 3 season of the witch orgins of halloween pagans celts 11 apollo sun worship sun god saturn Elohim isis moon landing freemasons witchcraft,Bohemian Grove i made one about the moon cycles.. but nine is still a magick number download Download from Uploading.comin this broadcast i discuss 13 moon cycles,starbucks ,hexagram and pentgram stars symbolism,witchcraft, pagan, freemasons ,sirius,dog star, venus moon,isis,lucifer 260 days saturn Download from Uploading.comthis broadcast i discuss alec baldwin hulu Entertainment Tonight (ET) Extra-Terrestrial Shape-Shifting Reptilians Lizard people of Los Angeles obama Amun ra Isis Horus news years 2009 the number 9 hollywood 2012 Nibiru Planet x underground bases mind control Mkultra church Osris EL Elohim Saturn Programs installing superbowl new world order Download from Uploading. comThis broadcast I discuss. Jesus bloodline Merovingian Mary Magdalene symbols Virginia virgin Mary Maryland Jesus freemason brick masons Horus royal bloodline knights templar priory of sion Mona Lisa amon L'isa Amun Ra isis Christ Roselyn chapel the messiah words meaningsDownload from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I discuss The Double-head Eagle Horus The Martian Sphinx New York Moses Skull & Bones 322 2008 8 the number 11 911 Neo Matrix Pass Port 8 stargate April 19th Satanic Calender Hours Waco Mars 1999 Bill Clintion Obama Lucifer phoenix Lights Amun Ra 13 bloodlines 13, 12 jesus Beginings and ends janus january hours Montauk Project Free Download Download from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I discuss uniform commercial code mind control operations CFR bail outs One World Government Facebook myspace Vaccines Aids Cancers 700 years United States Privacy 1776 America Obama Meanstream News MediaDownload from Uploading.comThis Broadcast i discuss Pentagon Robots, sky net Al Qeada data base Fema Camps 900 billion stimulus package Zionist ,Zionist movement Israel iran china Gaza united states world war 3 depression crowd control download the full verson of this broadcast with last sagment Free Download Download from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I discuss The labyrinth ,StarGates, Mirrors 8 Eminem words meanings & Symbolism thuggee Mind Control,The occult ,The illuminati ,Lucifer Master Mason,Brotherhood of the Snake,Reptilians The White Owl, Molech,Greys ,Ritual sacrifice, The Matrix,8mile Rappers Thugs Neo Ftitz Springmeier ''The Knowing''Nicolas Cage 2012 Download from

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Member Since: 24/08/2006
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....................This Broadcast I discuss Obama Mystrey Schools Lucifer Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars Diversion Summary Double-Speak Obama Grants Eminent Domain RIghts to China To Secure Debt Top Japanese Scientist Global Warming is not Caused by Human Activity The Iron Cross Operation NorthWoods False Flag Black-Cube The Fish-Symbol Piscean Religion The Pyramid Adam & EveFREE DOWNLOAD Download from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I discuss FEMA CAMPS death connentran camps Project ENDGAME Digital Tv Health risks June 12th Teleavison Project Rex 84 Operation Gardan Plot Control the Population United Nations Regulate Free Speech Demoracy Socialism Rahm Emanuel Zionist Karl Marxist Viacom Urban Warfare Drills ''Summer of Rage" Personal Data Corporate networks Red,Bule Yellow List. Microchipped Federal Reserve 2 Trillion lent FREE DOWNLOAD Download from Uploading.comThis Broadcast from Dec 9,2008 I discuss words, meaning ,symbols saturn, the illuminati, the pine cone Pineal Gland Elohim nazi isis witchcraft FREE DOWNLOAD Download from Uploading.comthis broadcast from december 23 2008 i discuss saturnalia satan santa the orgins of christmas pagans EL freemasons lucifer superman 11 El ELohim lord of the rings king of kings yule god FREE DOWNLOAD Download from


Sounds Like:This Matrix Exposed Broadcast I discuss The Illuminati , Adam Weishaupt New World Order, Chaos Thoeory New Age funed by the United Nations FREE DOWNLOAD Download from Uploading.comThis Matrix Exposed Broadcast I discuss Pscycholical warfare game theory mexico swine flu deaths killer robots and revolution in war scientist discover a nearly earth-sized planet new world order ducumentry FREE DOWNLOAD of broadcastDownload from Uploading.comThis Broadcast I discuss The Swine Flu United Nations New World Order John Birch Society Nations-Traffic-Safety Czar Obama Pushing to ban Reloading medical Direct Swine Flu was Cultered in a Laboratory insiders Elitist Tressury Secretary Timothy Geither new york federal Reserve road blocks pulloverDownload from Uploading.comFREE DOWNLOAD Download from
Record Label: Unknown Indie
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

National Service Corps Bill Clears Senate now law!!!!!

Following overwhelming House passage last week, the Senate tonight voted 74 to 14 on a procedural move that essentially guarantees a major expansion of a national service corps, a cornerstone of volun...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Mar 2009 12:02:00 GMT

Updated news articles & information i cover in my broadcasts uk/1/hi/sci/tech/8... . .org/wiki/Temple_o.....
Posted by on Fri, 20 Mar 2009 19:58:00 GMT

The Mystery of the Forgotten U.S. Flag Revealed

A little known odd fact about the history of Old Glory, is her sister, the forgotten Civil Flag of the United States.The existence of the first U.S. civil flag came about in 1767 when members of the "...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Mar 2009 19:21:00 GMT


Posted by on Sat, 07 Mar 2009 17:12:00 GMT

Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus

The Canadian PressMarch 5, 2009The company that released contaminated flu virus material from a plant in Austria confirmed Friday that the experimental product contained live H5N1 avian flu viruses.Th...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 11:44:00 GMT

Dying NASA Scientist Shows Audo/Video of Alien Transmission

Dying nasa scientist of alien.transmissionSearc..hing For The Truth Original Poster: These.are a series of videos that my client requested to be released after his death...Dying.nasa...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 11:46:00 GMT

Two billion bees die the 2012 my new article

In the words of Albert Einstein that if the bees disappeared, "man would have only four years of life left".with this being said two billion bees have died from rampant diseaseFrom unknown sources may...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Nov 2008 23:22:00 GMT

Welcome to the New World my new article

.................. The cutler personality has won the election by a landslide which.I knew forMonths obama.. would. he was designed to win this election this year 2008because he is a puppet of the Ill...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 20:32:00 GMT

Symbols and information about the goddess Columbia

The star bucks logo is The Goddess of Columbia. a merfolk of Atlantis the NBC peacock which is the raising sun which also symbolized by Venus which is known as Lucifer Sirius Isis was the pyramid in E...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 23:50:00 GMT

Are Gangs run by the illuminati???

..TR>     ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: PThe Third EyeP Posted by on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 06:03:00 GMT