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About Me

i have realised...

that you cant plan things
or at least, expect things...
to stay the way you've planned
but change isnt bad
its just different
living day by day
is the best way to live i think
so thats what im ironically...
planning to do
and if that changes
then fuk it i'll go with it
lifes too short for bullshit
and i think the people we bullshit most
is ourselves
in the words of "American Beaty"
"never under-estimate...
the power of denail"
but im gna try to stay true to myself
and just live my bloody life
the way i bloody want to
so heres to living life without care =]
im looking forward to it =]

some words which make sense...
number one
"never regret anything
because at one time...
it was exactly what you wanted"

number two
learn from yesterday
live for today
hope for tomorrow
number three
you change for two reasons
you learn enough to want to
youve been hurt enough you have to
number four
never look back, but never forget
number five
Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes
number six
happiness is a journey not a destination
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