Brayden Cunningham
Rebel without a Cause
To revolt is a natural tendency of life. Evena worm turns against the foot that crushes it.In general, the vitality and relative dignity ofan animal can be measured by the intensity ofits instinct to revolt.
A little rebellion now and then is a medicinenecessary for the sound health of government. Hewished that his parents saw it that way. BraydenCunningham was a boy who wanted to test thelimits of everything. His mother swore to Godthat he wanted to test the limits of how long anormal birth was to last, by leaving her inlabor for over 3 days. It started then and itnever stopped, he just didn't listen, and whenhe did he tweaked the rules to fit hisadvantage. While he was growing up he was intoeverything and all over the place. Once when hewas five he played with the stove that hismother told him constantly not to, and he gotburned, it wasn't bad, but he knew that it wassomething he shouldn't have done and yet he haddone it anyway.
As he grew Brayden continued to defy and disobeyhis parents, he had a curfew and he pushed it toat least 1 to 2 hours later than what it wassupposed to be, he was supposed to clean hisroom, he got someone else to do it by trickingthem into thinking it was fun. He could almostbe called the Tom Sawyer of his day and age. Hewanted to get things done as soon as possibleand with as little stress as possible. He wasthe rebel and he was the boy who just didn'tcare, why incite stress in, when you can justglide through life. He was easy, it was simpleto be able just let things go and not give adamn, cause trouble rather than try and be agood boy.
One day, he moved into this town that seemedrather boring, his parents eventually started tohate eachother even more than they had when theyfirst had him, which by the way, he was a onenight stand which he heard about from his fatherregularly. That was something disgusting to him, that his father didn't have anything else better to tell him then he was a one night stand, some father.
As he started his new school and his new life, he came to know the people in the town. One was Christabella Waverly, and man did that girl turn his world upside down.