J Trax profile picture

J Trax

in search of something witty to type here

About Me

I like playing around online... and recently a friend hooked me in to a contest online where you when prizes for telling people about a website called Ripe TV... so I'll do my best not to bug people... limit myself to one or two comments a month... but if ya'll could help me win stuff that'd be awesome! :) As for what Ripe TV is... well, they have funny videos, music... and models introducing video segments... there are some pics I got off their site in my general interests section :)

Given I'm totally new to myspace I don't know if I'll update this page much... beyond sharing the occasional pic from Ripe cuz well... those models are mighty nice to look at, and their smiles have the power to brighten even the worst of days.

My Blog

x-box 360 contest... click the banner and help me win...

Okay, a friend just got me into a contest to win an x-box 360 Click the banner to learn how you can get into it too! :)...
Posted by J Trax on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 01:51:00 PST