My name is Petra. It means 'rock'. I am a writer in all manners of the art. Some of my poems have even been published and I am currently working on a novel.
I know who I am and am happy with the way I have turned out even if other are not. I live my life as I see fit and invite only those who are similarly inclined to my way of thinking into my life. I use any means to achieve my ends and I do not regret the decisions I've made. I look upon my mistakes with fondness and try to learn from them as best I can. I am proud of every scar I bear both physically and emotionally because I believe that they tell my story better than any words I could write in ink or type.
Honesty is a trait I hold in the highest regard and that so being, I think I just might be the most honest person you might ever hope to meet. As such, I have been seen as blunt, tactless and even rude to people who do not know me well, nor have any stomach for the truth. If you don't want my honest opinion on a subject, don't ask. For my honest nature I expect only honesty in return. I find a brutal truth less harmful than a pretty lie in the long run and would much rather have the former to dwell over.
I am a realist with pessimistic tendencies and I have no use for the foolishly optimistic. If you want to live in a world painted with rainbows and inhabited by fluffy pink bunnies, be my guest but don't drag me into it. I am stubborn to a fault and have been known on more than one occasion to fire off my snarky sarcasm. If you don't like it, tough, I care not.
But enough on my negative aspects, shall we venture onto the more lighter side of my personality, and yes, a lighter side does exist though it is shown more rarely. I fancy myself a fierce and loyal friend and so far, I have heard no evidence to the contrary. Once you have my trust, I shall be with you through thick and thin and help you to the best of my abilities. Also, if I hear tale of a wrong-doing to one that I love I seek retribution for that act and I do not rest until I have seen it fulfilled. I have also been blessed with the gift of good humor and I use it well, or so I have been told by those dear to me.
On the topic of love, I shall admit that I have been rather unlucky in that venture as it is quite hard for me to open up in any given social situation, especially if that social situation involves the attendance of attractive young males. In the opposite sex I find green eyes the most alluring especially when accompanied by dark hair, a charming smile and an aptitude for the arts. I have also discovered of late that I am partial to those born under the sign of Pisces.
Things I love: Writing, good books, good music, good movies, the company of my best mates, cats, leopards, ravens, animals in general, England and the English culture, Harry Potter, the Anita Blake novels, sushi, coffee, tea, rain, the colours green, silver, black and red, Halloween, autumn and the idea of soul-mates.