Bibi La Rose profile picture

Bibi La Rose

One is not born a woman, but becomes one"

About Me

to my world!

I WOULD APPRECIATE IF YOU READ MY ENTIRE PROFILE BEFORE ADDING OR CONTACTING ME!I'm not a chatter nor do I do cam and I HATE CYBERSEX!!! If you want to ADD me to your friends list, WRITE to me - don't just click that button! I'd prefer if you'd approach me with something more expressive than a one-liner like "Hey wassup!", "How ya doin'?" or "You're hot!!!". If you're not able to come up with something that arouses just a little interest here and is worth a proper answer - well, then you might get none! .... and guys, a PICTURE in your profile - preferably yours - is at least something you should have to expect any reply from me!!!I am a 5,9" tall blonde tgirl (without my heels) with amber coloured eyes, nice long legs and of course smooth all over! Unfortunately I (still) have to live my male appearance as well, which means I dress mostly at home and at tgirl venues. Hopefully this will change soon!!! I have a pretty dry sense of humour and can be quite picky with things.... well you can call me spoiled - is that bad?? Anyway it's only a cover for a very sensitive character who can be hurt easily. So if I might appear a bit distant on the first impression it's your turn get me closer.... My score on The What's your sexual style? Test :
(You scored 91 imagination, 83 confidence, 41 dominance, and 70 generosity!)
You are a KINKY, CONFIDENT, SUBMISSIVE lover who prefers to GIVE.This means that:You like relatively kinky sex, and you have the great imagination that will always keep your partner guessing and excited! There's no getting bored with you around, you could never settle for dull sex, you want something fun and new all the time. You aren't afraid to try out anything you hear about. You might just be an intelligent lover who needs to be mentally engaged, or perhaps you have some dirty dark secret kinky desires, but either way, you're never boring.You are pretty confident in bed. This means that you know you can please your lover. Maybe you've read a lot of sex manuals, or have the experience from previous lovers, or just tend to be skilled at whatever you get your hands on, but you're good and you know it. You can really get results and know that you have pure talent, so you won't be hiding away shy, pretending to be all innocent. Your partners love your naughty self assurance, you don't hesitate and this makes you a sensational lover.You tend to be submissive in bed, so you prefer to go along with what your lover likes rather than your own plans. You might like being ordered around and acting out a slave/master fantasy, or perhaps you just get turned on by being helpless and unable to move. Or maybe it's as simple as you lacking courage so prefering firm instructions in bed to make sure you are doing things right. Either way, you won't be dominating your lover anytime soon, and might prefer the missionary position to any others.You prefer to give than recieve. This makes you a very unselfish lover, devoted to the needs of your partner rather than your own. You get your pleasure from seeing them get theirs, you are a model sex partner. I'm sure plenty of people would love to have someone like you in bed with them! Remember though that if your partner gets pleasure from returning the favour it's okay to let them, they might love giving as much as you do!WE SUGGEST YOU: Get crazy with the kissing. It sounds basic, but perhaps with all your wonderful kinky antics and games, you have forgotten how good it can feel just to kiss someone all over, and have the same done to you! Practise with different kissing styles, kiss your lover in places you've never kissed them before. Kiss to tickle, kiss to seduce, kiss for hours, or kiss when you know you can't go any furthur with it, like when you have to be at work soon. Rediscover kissing.
Link: The What's your sexual style? Test ( OkCupid Free Online MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Get your scroller sign at!
Foot Fetish Survey!
Whats your age/sex? a tgirl in her best age!
What age did you "get into" feet? 6
Barefeet or socked feet? bare
Into smelly feet or clean? clean
Whats your fav foot smell? (clean,mild,rank etc.) clean
Ever give a foot massage? When? Who? too many times
Ever lick feet or suck toes? When? Who? that's one of my standards
Ever get a foot massage? When? By who? as often as i can get it!
Ever have your feet licked or toes sucked? When/Who by? all my lovers did!
Boy feet or girl feet? both
Do you check out peoples feet in public? yes
Ever compliment someone about having nice feet? of course
Favorite part of foot? (toes, ankles, soles, arches) toes
Ever steal a persons socks? If yes who? no
Ever sniff a persons socks? If yes who? no
Are you into socks? If yes what type? no
Ever "get off" using someones socks? who's socks? no
Ever get a "foot job"? if yes by who? when? sometimes
Ever give a "foot job"? if yes to whom? when? one of my standards as well
If yes was it with barefeet or with socks? bare
Socks with sandals? hot or not? so not!
Anklets/ankle bracelets? hot or not? so hot!!!
Whats your foot size? 40
Do you have high, medium or low arches? medium
Your toes: long, short, rounded etc.? medium, long nails
Are your feet smooth or rough? super-smooth!!!
Are you foot shy? or Love to show your feet?
Describe what you wore on your feet today? I'm a feet exhibitionist
Do you have a footwear fetish? if yes describe. any kind of open-toe heels

CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!I have a strong fetish for sexy feet, very long nails, all kinds of accessories and a cureless shoe addiction!!! I'm a sensitive, but also fun-loving tgirl, who loves clubbing as well as to be wined & dined in a romantic setting. Very hedonistic, constantly challenging my senses - if it's music, film, literature, arts or food! I'm a stylish person, bit of a fashionista, very well educated and well travelled. I love cooking, especially Asian and mediterranean food. I have quite a refined taste in interior design and love giving a house a cosy, warm and homely atmosphere.KissesB.

I'd like to meet:

I think how we lable gender these days is still some poor medieval relic - we should definitely know better in the 21st century! So please don't put me into any kind of straight/bi male/female box - I wouldn't fit into it! That means also I don't care however you lable yourself (hopefully you already overcame this state of mind). I know this is an ideal world scenario, so to make it easier for those who're still holding on to the antiquated system: That means you should consider yourself as NOT "straight" and only into the girl me and also NOT "gay" and only into the boy me! Sounds difficult, huh...? Well, it's actually easier as you might think! ;)I like warm, caring, charming, educated and witty characters, with a good sense of humour who don't take themselves and the world too serious. Saying this, I'd like to add that I prefer maturity over youth. I appreciate being treated with experience more than being the object of curiosity! I want someone I can be proud of and who is equally as proud of me. Someone who knows all my bad points and loves me regardless.I like to be protected and sheltered from the elements in the warm embrace of a loving person. A shoulder to lean on, especially as I'm planning to go the long way to live my feminine appearance fulltime. Which means, taking hormones, do some facial laser and maybe a few corrections and implants here and there and get some nice D-cups - although no SRS! In a relationship I'm looking for someone who is willing to go this way with me.

Myspace Graphics, Myspace Layouts
MySpace Comments Graphics
Your Toes Should Be Pink
You love to dress girly and work your feminine charms, with a bit of an edge.

Your ideal guy: Is confident enough to get any girl he wants

Stay away from: Jerks who only see you as eye candy What Color Should Your Toenails Be?
About You
Do you use hormones? not yet
Have you (or do you plan to) get surgery? yes, but no SRS
What is your female name? Bibi
Are you straight, gay or bi? multisexual
Do you consider yourself a male or female? androgynous
Do you cross-dress for a sexual thrill? I don't x-dress, I dress!
Do you read gay or straight porn? both
Do you have other fetishes? Long nails, feet, shoes
Are you a closet CD or have you come out? came out
Could you pass for a woman? almost
Favorite artcle of women's clothing shoes
Favorite purse kelly bag
Faveorite pair of women's shoes 5" open toe sandals
Favorite kind of lingerie thongs
Favorite brand of make-up mac
Favorite brand of hose Wollford
Forget boxers and briefs! Panties or thongs? thongs
Thigh highs, knee highs or pantyhose? thigh highs
Skirts or dresses? skirts
Bra or bustier? bra
Tanga or boy shorts? tanga
If you cross-dress at the beach, bikini or 1-piece?
Night out with girl friends or CD friends? CD friends



House, Lounge, Soul, R&B, Jazz, Opera


"QUEEN RAQUELA" I wish this movie all the luck in the world!!!


No, I neither watch "Sex&The City" nor "Desparate Housewifes" - just not that desparate yet!


"Brass" by Helen Walsh is an exceptional read Henry Miller wouldn't have done any better!


All tgirls on this planet!!!

My Blog

Gender confusion

We could say who cares, forget all that bullshit labelling and just enjoy what you're doing! That's very understandable and would be actually ok, if there wouldn't be thousands of transgendered people...
Posted by Bibi La Rose on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 05:13:00 PST