Cymraes profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Time for an update, m'thinks! Time and tide wait for no man and much water has followed under the bridge since I wrote the last version of 'about me'!!! Basically we humans are fluid and ever changing, in some form or another! Spike and I are still honouring Mother Nature and the Green Man daily, by living our lives as ethically as we can, by walking our talk and taking our Spiritual practise into our daily lives. We still have our little adventures and visit wild natural spaces when ever we can. But doing this is becoming increasingly difficult with the hike in fuel prices, even tho' I (and he) shop around for the cheapest garage about! But we are lucky to live in an area rich in Sacred Sites so not all is lost! We are still deepening our Spiritual practises, which do differ even tho' we are reading from the same page... We've both left Druidry behind, quite awhile ago now, even tho' some aspects cross over onto our other paths. For me it was not 'meaty' enough... I enjoy something deeper,more magical; my path is a crooked one thats for sure! Still, living as close as possible to Mother Nature is number one priority, for both of us! I honour my and The Ancestors, and have once more picked up the threads of my family history, chasing leads around, delving into old registers and surfing online info and repositories! Fascinating stuff!!! We're Spiritual Folk, and believe many of the problems that beset modern life is a disconnection with Nature and the natural world. We have a love of travel, of meeting new friends, finding new wild open places, where we can reconnect with Mother Nature and the Spirits of the Land. Spike still makes tripods(which some folk call 'tri-dangalies'), fire baskets, cauldrons, trivets and other amazing metal worked objects. I still blog away now and then. Craft things and embue them with my magical-nessivity! And I now have a garden!!!! Having moved a while back to a nice little spot with a wonderful view and a huge old Scots Pine to watch over me. I'm also on facebook and paganspace, so look me up if your on there too. And I started a yahoo group called powyspagans, a sister list to shropshirepagans. It's an events and networking list for the pagan community of Powys and it's borders, so if you live there and fancy joining here's the link:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

We'd like to meet like-minded folk, who 'walk their talk'and live with Nature, not against it.

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My Blog

Flickr and my blog/s

I've discovered Flickr!! Better late than never I always say!!!I'm slowly putting up the best (but not always...) of Spikes' and mine photos and if you'd like to take a peek at them follow this link:-...
Posted by on Sat, 03 May 2008 01:05:00 GMT

On the wings of death...

Come new moon this moonth... I found myself cutting a holly stick in the little copse close to where I live. Having followed all the magical protocols, I took said holly stick home, and fashioned it i...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 02:46:00 GMT

powyspagans list

Well I've finally done it! After much thought and procrastination, I have created powyspagans list on yahoo!I'm a member of shropshirepagans list, owned by my dear friend and co-pagan Elaine, (see my ...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 17:35:00 GMT

Creativity returns!

After my last rant(!), my life has returned to some resemblance of normality, what ever that may be!!!Part of that is re-joining and actually getting some art work out/up there! Just one phot...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 01:25:00 GMT


..>..> ..> ..>..> ..> "... the body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy." Oscar Wilde  ..>..>..> A voice caught her ear as she walked down the street, causing her to m...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 03:49:00 GMT

Peace... our hearts,in our lives,in our land,in our world,one day... ...if we can,but touch,one soul, today, then we are,one step closer... So may you find PEACE today,  my friend. Cymraes XXX)...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 02:59:00 GMT

Bye to the Transit!

Well it had to happen eventually! We're selling the Transit on ebay! Now we're both feeling sad that our trusty ole van has to go. Ho hum! (Do you think we both have trouble 'letting go'?) Yes and No...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 07:46:00 GMT


Yes I'm having a clear out! We have far too many books to travel about with so some have to go. I'm auctioning them on ebay with a starting bid of just 1p... and they DO all have to go! I'll be adding...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 06:48:00 GMT

Wild Camping, Wild Places and Wild Times! The Luna Eclipse!

The day dawned. The day of the full moon. The day of the total eclipse of the full moon, while it lay in Virgo. A magicikal day, full of sunshine, and bright light energies! A day that said to us, 'd...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 00:27:00 GMT

Hugs from the otherside.

This was inspired by a myspace friend in need of a hug... it's a true account;it really happened just this way. A long time ago, one chilly sunday morning, I was in need of a hug. But there was no-one...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 14:49:00 GMT