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About Me

I am most likely one of the coolest people in the world. Yes that is a bold statement to make, however i am prepared to go on record with that. I do totally rule and i once cleared an entire building with a single jump. I rock at everything, all the time, always. My list of mastered skills includes aeronautical science, brain surgery, basket ball (well every sport for that matter), wizzardry and other magical practices, tellapathy, and time travel. I frequently use the force to kill, and i can mentally undress anyone who i find hot enough. I once fought 30 cyclopse warriors and won. I am known for my irrisistable mateing call, which never fails, so beware. Chances are im your father, or grandfather. If i had to, I could out drink you and your 5 best friends. I know the strippers real name. When im not flying around in my private jet, I like to sponsor charity events for orginazations such as NAMBLA, Black Panthers, and MS-13. Im smarter then everyone youve ever known combined. Im always right, about everything. If i had to pick a number between 1 and 200,000 I will pick the correct number every time, and if you try to tell me i picked the wrong number, i will fatially strike your throat. I have black belts in both Street Fighter and Mortal Combat 2, and i have logged over 20 hours of combat flight time in Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator, and i have done over 10 deployments to the middle east with the United States Marine Corps, 1st Force Recon batallion via Call of Duty 4, where i won numerous awards and killed many many bad guys. If White Castle burgers could take human form, i would surly be the embodiment of their totall ruleage.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Amy Adams. A wearwolf.

My Blog

Election or a total fucking joke?

So I sit her, in total and utter disbelief as I watch the election wind to a close. I asked a friend today if she was voting for Obama because he supported the continued military presence in Iraq, or...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 04:30:00 GMT

An addvertisement I wrote for my Mom

Attention attention. Obviously you have come to the inevitable conclusion that your skills at busting a move are severally lacking, most likely while you bumped and grinded your way in a drunken stup...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Oct 2008 05:28:00 GMT


So originally I had intended to write these things more frequently. Unfortunately I have spent the better part of the month waging war with the people whom I share my building with. It got so bad one...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 02:08:00 GMT

A complete waste of my time

Remember being little? How simple it was? Things like strapping toy guns to yourself head to toe, or rampaging through the woods, was all you needed. I once had a giant Styrofoam glider that a forwar...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 02:44:00 GMT