Well-designed book covers. Graphic art and design. Cheap Chinese food. 10th Century Peruvian Moche art. Cameras and other things that go 'click'. Critical theory. Being scatter-brained. Trailers, both the sort that preview movies and the sort that people live in and which often get destroyed by various and sundry natural disasters. Bad, nay, horrible cinema. Rifling poker chips. Black and white photos, black and white ideologies. Poking raccoons with sticks.
Peter Pan, so I can cut the little bastard's black heart out. In lieu of that, anyone who can hold a conversation. Bonus points if you like dive bars and cheap beer.
Right now, The Cure's 'Just Like Heaven' is making me do the head-bop dance. I've also got Belle and Sebastian's 'Fox in the Snow' on a loop right now.
The entire Steven Seagal ovure. His incorporation of Lyotardian play and lessons on semiotics in his films really speaks to me.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The Hitler Channel. Firefly, because it was short and brilliant. Ice Road Truckers has a strange appeal. Bear Grylls is pretty awesome.
Pattern Recognition, Gravity's Rainbow, Cryptonomicon, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. I'm re-reading Harry Potter, I want a wand of my very own to jinx people with.
"Our liberty cannot be guarded but by the freedom of the press, nor that be limited without danger of losing it."Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, 1786
"I was building another science, my science, wild science, robots and lasers and disembodied brains.
A science that buzzed and glowed; it wanted to do things. And it was angry. It was mad science." - Doctor Impossible
"I like a man who knows what he's drinking."
"That's a sick thing to be attracted to."