The artist KMuscle is formally known for dazzling FLOW, CONTENT & PUNCH LINES is among other youths out there striving to success. How did he get the name? and why should you call him KMUSCLE well simple the name was given by his older brother why should you call him KMuscle well simple because the bars are "hard and I'm packing". He is currently working on his first project which is due to release during the time period of April 2008, the promo will be somthing of which you have never heard before and to top that he has decided to call it THE-NEXT-BIG-THING which shall confirm his mark officially in the grime. SO WATCH OUT OTHER YOUTHS IM COMING FOR THE TOP STOP (Personal message for the KM himself) K-I-M real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .