The story begins far back in the before time...around August of 2006. Three boys (Lainey, Irgl and Felsa) decided to start a band. Irgl on drums, Lainey on rhythm guitar/vox and Felsa on lead guitar. However, a bassist was still required. After speaking with one of their mates Ben Dolin, who was a guitarist, he gladly became a bassist for the band's sake. Thus the "Torn Labels" were born.
After several practices the Torn Labels had their first party gig, in which they would only played covers. After playing roughly their third or fourth song on the set list, they would be kicked off for being "Too fucking loud!". It was indeed a very, very fun gig. Regardless of ending. Eventually, Felsa stopped turning up to band practices for different reasons. It soon got to the point where Lainey, Irgl and Ben decided he did not have enough dedication and he had to be dropped from the line up. Luckily for the boys, Felsa was extremely understanding about it and to this day remains great friends with everyone in the band.
However after Felsa's disappearance the Torn Labels felt they could no longer keep the name in which they played under - mainly because the man, the myth and the legend who had made it, had now left. Thus the Torn Labels would be no more. The boys would soon agree on the name "Weekend Rehab." Since the birth of Weekend Rehab a fair amount has happened. They made their first real public appearance at the 2007 Werribee Battle of the Bands. They then played a few other gigs including: The 2007 Youth fest, the 2008 Weerama Festival and the 2008 Werribee Battle of the Bands.
After the 2008 Werribee Battle of the Bands, Ben had news that he was moving to Perth to work at Quantum Publishing. Thus he was replaced by Sarah. Sarah's reign as bass player was short lived. After a few months in the band she came to a mutual agreement with Lainey and Irgl. Both parties were in agreement with why the project could not continue with her and, thankfully, they went their separate ways on good terms. After cancelling his job in Perth to attend the College Of Creative Arts, Ben was asked if he wanted to reunite with the project he had joined in the beginning. So, he fucking did.
What does the future hold for Weekend Rehab? Many a things...
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