Sep 8 2006 11:54P....or until the friction ignites the fuse consuming the brain tissue to fuel the chaos that rules the peripherals of civilized individuals clinging to societal rituals trying to prove were more human than cannibal more evolved than the other animals yet were eager to eradicate the rest of the human race and stake our claim over this rock hurtling through space and yet we cant face our own reflections without transgressing common sense and reinventing the prophetic edicts of providence its ominous and obvious that all of the lost souls and broken promises have spurned this talk-sick logic it offsets my third eye socket.
Sep 4 2007 11:06 PM"Whoever's pain is bigger than his vision of his goal will lose his vision as he succumbs to the pain....."
I'm officially closed for consultation
The Art of War, Tao Te Ching, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Hermann Hesse, Gravity's Rainbow, Dr. Suess, Ayn Rand, Kurt Vonnegut, Fast Food Nation, Animal Liberation, On Route to Global Occupation, Black Elk, Deep Time, Joseph Campbell, Poeple's History of the U.S., The Prophet, Nietzsche, Captains And Kings, Book of 5 Rings, J.R.R., The Grapes of Wrath, Tao of Sex, Guns Germs and Steel, Chuck Phalinuk, Ismael, Kilgor Trout, Milan Kundera.etc