After a year or so, one of the original founding member quit the band due to some family matter and other stuff. So the the band was left with four members. Although the group was lacking one member it still went on. It was then that the group decided to shift directions and make it's own compositions, a music to call their own. During that time the group recorded it's first two songs, "Thief in the Night" and "It's all about time". For a long time now, the group was just contented with it's four member group until it decided to make things a little bit heavier, more dramatic and edgier. So, just recently the band recruited a new member to fill the void that is missing in the line. Now the band is stronger, more alive than ever before.
The band's influences, ranges from hardcore, emo, screamo, punk to psychedelic rock. Although the band has many influences, it never really stuck into just one genre, it continues to experiment on different kinds of music and fussing it in order to create good sound.
For Bookings or Gigs just call or text:
09103086743 - look for cdoy or
09182017917 - look for ras
09064446380 - look for kenzo
Dim Lights "Sinolug 08 @The House of Indies).. grounded endpoints