Bucky Little Boltron profile picture

Bucky Little Boltron

I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm Brandon...My passions are music and Krystel. Belly flops and bottle tops, The hully gully and the charelston. Woodrow Wilson dancing on the ol' glory pole i tell ya. Ha ta cha cha cha.

My Interests

music,video games,gadgets,photography,belly flops,bottle tops, ribbon candy,Moon pies, Old timey things.test

I'd like to meet:

Conan O'brian,Jack Black, Nick "Niel" Diamonds(check), Alden Ginger, J'amie tambour(sort of met em),stephen malkmus and Jason Lytle.


the unicorns, Islands, grandaddy,modest mouse,flaming lips,built to spill,the arcade fire , Architecture in helsinki ,ELO,david bowie,the beatles,daft punk,super furry animals,the rentals,polyphonic spree,cake,they might be giants,ween,earlimart,beck,cole emoff,project 707,doug martsch,pavement,radiohead,elliot smith,the proclaimers,velvet underground,the fucking champs,aphex twins, quasi, ben folds five, matt petro,mike chewning, godspeed!you black emperor,silver mt.zion,sigur ros,interpol,joy division,the cure,the cars,spiritulized,stephen malkmus,mars volta,merediths,midlake,belle and sebastian,beaulah,stars,snow patrol,the decemberists ,supergrass,enon,dinosaur jr,eels,the pixies,johnny cash,mcclusky,electric 6,halo benders,the presidents of the united states of america,jurassic 5,blur,aqua,ugly cassanova,sufjan stevens,cornmo,hockey night,m83,wolf parade,metric, The Go! team, Lemon jelly, Belle and Sebastian, Stevie Wonder, The avalanches, Mark Mothersbaugh, Devo, The musical experiments of benjamin frankenstein, The ghost is dancing, The comas, Final Fantasy(Owen Pallett) Sister Suvi, T rex, The tornadoes, the ventures


bottle rocket,rushmore,the royal tenenbaums,the life aquatic,eternal sunshine of the spotless mind,a clock work orange(any stanley kubrick movie)david lynch movies, fight club, requiem for a dream,pi,28 days later,trainspotting,star wars,edward scissor hands,forbidden zone, love liza.


adult swim,the simpsons,history channel,discovery channel,national geographic channel.


Survivor,Choke,Diary,Invisable monsters,Fight club,Lullaby,Haunted....Chuck Palahniuk is a damn genius.


Krystel and Mr. Sam