My Blog
Natural birth or caesar
What boggles me, is that perfectly healthy celebrities opt for caesar births, assuming they're easier..... what is it they say???? To "assume" makes an ASS out of U and ME.... Not a truer word was spo...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 05:35:00 GMT
We were up to drugs right??
All through my first pregnancy, I made it very clear I wanted an epidural. So clear, in fact, I made the midwife write it in big red letters on my file.....PATIENT HA...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 01:50:00 GMT
Okay.... Here we go!
Before I continue, I must warn you - I'll be telling you EXACTLY what it feels like to push a very large thing through a rather small hole. If you don't want to know, just le...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 21:35:00 GMT
The last three months....... the home stretch
When I found out I was pregnant with the Lovely Lily, my doctor told me one thing that will always stay with me. Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks for a reason - by the time you reach 40 weeks, you won't CARE ...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 01:40:00 GMT
Ante natal class
A small word of advice to all you first-timers out there: Pick your classes! During my first pregnancy, I attended all the classes, coz I thought I was supposed to....... The midwives woul...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 00:59:00 GMT
The second trimester.... What are THOSE hanging off my chest????
For those of us with absolutely NO cleavage whatsoever.... No, not you Claire Bear, the second trimester will bring you all you have ever desired......GREAT BIG BOOBIES!!!!!!!! YAY!!...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 02:42:00 GMT
The first three months...cont.
Wow, what a storm that was. Nice bit of rain for our poor old farmers. The dog is completely traumatised though!!
Okay, let's continue shall we?
The first three months with Zac were just awful, as I m...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 17:41:00 GMT
The first three months
I know I was going to talk about ante natal classes...... But I went through the first three months before I started classes, so I'll talk about that instead!
The First Three Months...
Each pregnancy...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 02:55:00 GMT
Conception....... the fun bit
Okay. Both kids are out of my face and in bed...... So let's get started.
So, you've just done the fun bit - conception. I don't think we need to go into this part.... we all know how THAT'S done....
Posted by on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 01:44:00 GMT
Motherhood - the fine print
So, you're pregnant???
You poor poor bitch...... It's okay - you don't have to pretend it's all beer and skittles, coz darl, it aint. I know coz I've had two of the little freaks. In fact, I did...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 23:29:00 GMT