I don't know what trite crap I want to put here...this section sometimes reads like a hackneyed singles ad...so in the spirit of that just make up your own words to put here...whatever i need to say to seal the deal, just insert that here...
I don't know what trite crap I want to put here...this section sometimes reads like a hackneyed singles ad...so in the spirit of that just make up your own words to put here...whatever i need to say to seal the deal, just insert that here...
I want to meet real people. flesh and blood people. I don't watch reality television and I don't live the virtual life. I am here to sporadically contact old friends and then disappear again. thats it. thats all i want to do . Now Jerad had a different take on this ...heres his opinion through my interpertation. Jerad thought this was a celebrity type question . So if we had a big party and anyone could come- we would invite you, and we'd also like to invite JACK HERER ( author of THE EMPEROR WEARS NO CLOTHES ),Tom Robbins, Carl Sagan, George Carlin, Jim Carroll, Drew Barrymore, Jon Stewart, Kurt Vonnegut, Lemmy of Motorhead, Robin Williams, Terry Gilliam , Dennis Hopper, YOU,whomever you decide to bring along, some people we know, some people we met, some people we ran into at the liquor store or on the street,