| changing this life | dancing | daisies | laughing | using the right side of my brain | the 49ers (die-hard fan) | the "balance theory" | typography and graffiti | tiny monkeys | sketchin on anything i can find | --theROADTRIP--(once, i was happy with that story) | migraine relief | walkin' around barefoot | jade stones | crystals | burning sage | photography | checkin' out live shows (bands & mc's!!!) | stopping the re-occurring "domino effect" | wikipedia | writing | "monet" printing | 3am artworks | drinking cup loads of tea | philanthropy | speaking to anyone resourceful | trying to chill | reading at the beach | cold lollipops | philosophy! | production
my complement not a neutral.
a SIC beat/instrumental played LOUD!!!
-the pinky violence collection.
-jeux d'enfants.
-almost famous.
-eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
-donnie darko.
-four rooms.
-tommy boy.
-pixar animations.
-art school confidential.
-true romance.
-rebel music.
-high fidelity.
-empire records.
-beavis and butthead do america.
-half baked.
-mulholland drive.
-sid and nancy.
-requiem for a dream.
-in cold blood.
-natural born killers.
-being john malkovich.
-interview with a vampire.
-motorcycle diaries.
-catch and release.
-the science of sleep.
-real women have curves.
-where the heart is.
-knocked up.
-across the universe.
mind and movement.aesop's fables.rastafari.everyday immortality.tao te ching (translated).the book of secrets.
emily. amber. mayralissett. julie. deaundra. momQ.