If you dont nhow my interests then you dont really know me at all. i love too skate.I still act sort of a bumb cause of my past times.Sort of a game adict and love meeting new people.and if i get too nhow you i attend to try and help you out in your problems /without being in your buissness/simpli because i care more about my friends then my self(friends before brads)
I'd like to meet:
the people i like too meet are people that are really open too them selfs and arent so hard headed in time. You dont live for ever so have fun but drink responsible so you can see your friends drunk and laugh at them for there mistakes
Hi: This group consist of friends who often hang out at school, shows, parties... etc. You can find a link to most of the members underneath the picture. :] Our goal (since we like making friends) is to befriend everyone thats involved in the youth culture we have all grown to love so much. we as a group are involved ourselves in varies ways. As for our affiliates; they are often real good friends of ours but we are still true and remain harsh critics to them all so if you wish to be one you will be judged evenly and fairly. kthx and enjoy. -Elliott
"We Stand By Our Brothers".
"P1g30n" "Padok" "Chomps" "Silent" "No good Useless man" "Abe" "Special k" "Steve" "Psycho Madness" "waldo" "Pedroza" "Sergio" "Shoot a load" "Chino" "Mc.kenzie" "Ducky" "Square" "Albert" "BobbyLoks" "Germ" "Anthony" "Marisol" "Josh" "Kyle" "Doozie" "Big Kid" "Pork"
ChInOmOn!'s famaly
ChInOmOn! has 2500 friends.
Little One
lil sis
Number one no i dont lisen too some sembabue shit. yes i listen too bob marley and other regge music but thats not my only jazz. i listen too everything from regeton some metal some indie rap hip-hop everything exept emo...unlike my grass i wish it would be emo so it would cut it self.
I cant say i watch too much movies. Im always outside with my friends so im clueless with movies. More of a video game person!!! =]
Television is dead hnow. The only thing people use these days are computers and videogames
I could honestly say i never really owned a book am more of a newspaper person. I try too be up too date with whats going on in this crazy world.
My heroes would have too be rodney mullen and carl watson. because there lay back people and there more about talking too the little people then there work.
Crap About Me
penis size:
bigger then kelly's
I Like:
1 2 3 4 5 6 1/2 (CHINO SIZE) 8==========D
the buddy sociaty we have fun =]
We're Not Youre Average Youth Crew, Know Why? Because Were Smart. LoL. You Being Added To Our Profile Doesn't Necessarily Mean Youre In The Buddy Society You Are: Either A Part Of Our Groups Or A Friend Of A Member.
just(click) the duck!!!just(click) the duck!!!