The name is Brittany Thomas, soon to be Haley!!!
I am the new mommy to Leah Maddison Haley. She was born March 27, 2009. She was 6 pounds and 8 ounces. 19 inches long. I now know the greatest love of all. She is my world and amazing..
My man is leaving for the Army to make our lives better and support our family...
He means the world to me and I greatly appreciate him for taking a leap to improve us.
I love my new life as a mommy and cant wait to start our family for real.
The rest of my life is already planned and I love it!!!
So sorry if you had hopes cause there is nothing I would rather be doing....
The Love of My Life=Cody Haley!!!!
Favorite Things=
*Cody Haley
*Leah Maddison Haley
graphics for moms
the cutest graphics