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About Me

Author, philanthropist, explorer, pastry chef, archeologist, philosopher, industrialist, award winning journalist, former mexican wrestler, and all round nice guy. Fump has such excellent posture that he Currently holds the title of straightest back in western Europe. Is going for the all Europe straightest back title this year and is hoping to stave off competition from holder of the straightest back in eastern Europe and last years all Europe winner, Ukrainian basketball player Alexander Petrenko. Fump is also a founding member of PETA but distanced himself from the organisation when it became too militant. Has since founded a breakaway organisation of PETA with other disaffected members called PAAT (People are animals too). Plans to climb Everest when he gets some spare time. Enjoyed limited chart success when he guested on vocals for Mint Royales minor hit "sexiest man in Jamaica". Known as an eccentric, though he would never lie or refer to himself in the 3rd person.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Everyone, so I can judge them. Id also like to discuss a few things with Sigmund Freud, tell him about my mother and such. Then Id judge him. Also a woman who would loan me the money to take her out for dinner and drinks.

My Blog

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