UNTITLED:FEEL THE ROAR!!!â„¢ is a football comic that follows the exploits of Hackney Unitedâ„¢ as they fight for their first Premiership title in 27 years. Set in the year 2025, football has become a victim of its own excess, with teams able to pick up points for TV share and ratings as well as winning games. Matches are played at awkward times to appease rich foreign TV markets. Player power is at an all time high. Rex Sanfordâ„¢ was the last captain of a United team to lift the trophy and now manages the club, trying to maintain his values in a football world gone mad.
UNTITLED was launched in June 2006 on The Football Game, a football ringtone site, where two episodes have appeared.www.thefootballgame.co.uk Due to changes at the site, UNTITLED™ will have no new episodes appearing there and will be relaunched in September on a new football-related site. In the meantime you can see episodes 1 & 2 right here on UNTITLED MANIA™ in the blog section of this space. Hosted by the Hackney United™ number 7 Johnny Faith™(your truly), this is the place to come to for sneak peeks at upcoming episodes, behind the scenes stuff, promotional artwork and EXCLUSIVE UNTITLED™-related strips that will be published nowhere else. Soon we will have merchandise available in the form of t-shirts, posters, canvas prints, original art for sale as well as a print collection which should be available early next year. We will try our hardest to keep this space updated, so check back often for updates. Take care, Johnny Faith(7). UNTITLED:FEEL THE ROAR!!!™ © 2007 Randolph Hoyte/4772 Illustration & Design Ltd.
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