Mostly chicks, 'cause they're usually nice and pretty and they smell good too. Anyone really, 'cause if I don't like you I can always delete you. I've run into some old friends on this thing, old high school buddies and I even hooked up with a pair of guys that I used to run with in grammar school! So hit me up if you think you know me, or if you want to.
Heavy Metal. Real heavy: (w/Dave on vocals)Progressive. I/E: extremely talented:Classics:
The DVR rules!!!!The Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama... in fact mostly cartoons: Aqua Teen, Robot Chicken, American Dad... Then I also watch the news occasionally, and sports, but mostly movies DVDs and video games along with the afore-mentioned cartoons are displayed on my television.
Crichton books... Like Next, Sphere, JP, Lost World, State of Fear, Congo... Uh, Hank Searls' Jaws sequels, and the original by Benchley... And the deep by Benchley... Uh, Lots of comic titles, MAD subscription... Writing my own book... Not a fan of John Sander or whoever writes the 'prey' novels, not too good... Mostly a fan of Crichton right now.