Music. Video games. Movies. Europe. Traveling to Europe. Scratching people named Jeff and Amy. What makes Hanna tick. Why do we pay income tax, when its not a law? Does the suspension of Habeas Corpus mean that I can be locked up for the rest of my life, for questioning this fucked up government? Meh.....
Down to earth funny people. People who like stuff. I sure like stuff.
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I have a wide variety of music I love. Fist and foremost: TOOL and A PERFECT CIRCLE, System Of A Down, Led Zeppelin, Clutch, Jack Johnson, Anthrax, Mad Season, Alice In Chains,Chemical Bros, Chrystal Method, Bad Boy Bill, Eminem, Obie Trice, Primus, Rush, Beastie Boys, ICP, Danzig, GodSmack, SLAYER, Portishead, The Toadies, 7-Mary-3, The Samples, did I mention TOOL? Anything that moves me. Country and R&B can die
The Matrix (only the first one), Donnie Darko, Dogtown and Z-boys, Goodfellas, Glen Gary Glen Ross, The Usual Suspects, American Beauty, Dances with Wolves(sue me), Evenhand, Sideways, Passion of the Christ, Schindlers List, Requiem for a Dream, SLC PUNK!, Punch Drunk Love, The Professional, True Romance, Pulp Fiction, Reservior Dogs, Kill Bill vol 1&2, Lost in Translation, Human Traffic, any Monty Python movie, Magnolia, The Big Lebowski, The Royal Tenenbaums, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Shawshank Redemption, The Hudsucker Proxy, Trainspotting, Kalifornia, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Sin City, Sideways, Ace Ventura, Office Space........ This is only to name a few off the top of my head... More to come
The Family Guy, The Simpsons, Dead Like Me, Deadwood, The Sopranos, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2021, The Venture Brothers, The Brak Show, Strangers with Candy, The Daily Show with Jon Stewert, Battle Star Gallactica, Firefly, Anything on the History Channel. FUCK REALITY TV!!!!!!
This book saved my life