Music, Sports, Girls, Having fun, Avenged, Shows, Games, and Felix. lol...
Chuck Norris
Avenged Sevenfold, Bullets and Octane, Trivium, Iron Maiden, Guns and Roses, God Forbid, Pinkly Smooth, Led Zepplin, Van Halen, Metallica, Pantera, basically everything that sounds talented.
V for Vendetta, Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Braveheart, Equilibrium, Grandma's Boy, Harold and Kumar, Dumb and Dumber, Kill Bill, Matrix, Star Wars, Saw, Fear and Loathing, Donnie Darko and I can go on forever but I am too lazy to type them all.
Simpsons, Family Guy, King of Queens, Friends, Seinfeild, House, South Park, etc...
Fear and Loathing, A Clockwork Orange, Catcher in the Rye, 1984, The Eyes of Kid Midas, etc...
Felix and Felix only. Maybe Chuck Norris too,and a midget called James.