Computers, Paintballing, Airsoft, skateboarding, movies, comics, reading, anime.
adopt your own virtual pet!
Kevin Smith, Quentin Tarentino, Robert Rodriguez, Jason Lee, Ben Affleck, and more i cant think of
What i am listening to on my computer:
Songs I'm listening to right now:
Music I've listened to this week:
Blink 182, The Offspring, Dead Kennedys, Unsung Zeros, The Spitvalves, Less Than Jake, Red Hott Chilli Peppers, Billy Idol, Most ska, i am also a big fan of local undergroud bands such as The Bestest, Insufficient Numbers, modern day arcade, Yeah Melba!, ten 13 concept, One Last Stand, The Antics, Spread Eagle, stereo 7, faded sound, BLACK POWER RANGERS!!!
"Resivore Dogs", "Pulp Fiction", "Jackie Brown", "Kill Bill", "Evil Dead", "Evil Dead 2", "Army of Darkness", and more
"Hannibal"- Thomas Harris, "Brain Droppings"- George Carlin, "Freaky Deaky"- Elmore Leonard, "Rum Punch"- Elmore Leonard, "Rebel Without a Crew: Or How a 23-Year-Old Filmmaker with $7,000 Became a Hollywood Player"- Robert Rodriguez, "Hawk Occupation: Skaterboarder"- Tony Hawk
Frank Castle