Political studies,music,folklor,family,trveling,stay in circle of friendship ...
Ticon,Antix,Marko Nastic,Roger Sanches, Tiesto, Buffon, Roberto Carlos, Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Paolo Koeljo, Jovica Simoski, Hanno Lipptisch, Josh Hartnet, Skazi ..........and YOU :A
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: brown
Hair Color:: the same i think ...!!1
Height:: 1.67
Favorite Color:: red...
Screen Name:: verce :))...
Favorite Band:: they r to many...
Favorite Movie:: House,trance,techno,dance....
Favorite Show:: well...i think i dont have..
Your Car:: i dont have...but soon :))
Your Hometown:: Skopje..i love my town...
Your Present Town:: S K O P J E
Your Crushes First Name:: hmmmm
Your Grade:: a student
Your Style:: Casual
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: noup...
Kissed someone in the rain?: yes :)
Danced in a public place?: yeeesss..all my life
Smiled for no reason?: all the time...maybe i'm crazy..
Laughed so hard you cried?: heheheh....aha
Peed your pants after age 8?: no..
Written a song?: oooo,yes..i do that
Sang to someone for no reason?: ask Emi ...she will tell you :)))
Performed on a stage?: not really...
Talked to someone you don't know?: aha
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: yes..last year ...:S
Made out in a theatre?: week ago !! was G R E A T
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: i will always do that...
Been in love?: noup...
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Ana :)))
Tell you, I love you?: Keki...on my birthday..:))..i love him 2..
Kiss you?: Emi..
Hug you?: My dad !!!
Tell you BYE?: the real BYE....Ana :(((
Write you a note?: hehe..my brother !!! love you bro :)
Take your photo?: Yesterday....emi of course
Call your cell phone?: Filip...in this moment...:))
Buy you something?: Is not just a one...
Go with you to the movies?: I dont remeber..maybe Emi..
Sing to you?: Martin....my best Dj ever...
Write a poem about you?: Well....a friend from my class
Text message you?: mane :))))
Touch you?: i will not say...:((
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: before 5 min. ago.
Time you cried?: last night..
Movie you watched?: I dont know the name...but was real romantic...
Joke you told?: i'm always saying jokes..that way i dont remeber on last one :)))
Song you've sang?: ...you lucky you..... para para aaaaa
Time you've looked at the clock?: before one hour
Drink you've had?: hehehe....S U N D A Y :)))
Number you've dialed?: my mum...
Book you've read?: south from the border, west from the sun….
Food you've eaten?: salat...
Flavor of gum chewed?: hhehee..watermelon
Shoes you've worn?: my favorite green-pink trainers
Store you've been in?: Ramstor..
Thing you've said?: ok..
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: maybe...
Whistle?: aha
Blow a bubble?: hehehe..yes i do
Roll your tounge in a circle?: yes
Cross your eyes?: hehe...yup
Touch your tounge to your nose?: definitelly not..
Dance?: like a crazy...
Gleek?: yap,yap,yaaappp
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yessss
Speak a different language?: YES
Impersonate someone?: i'm trying..till now..yes
Prank call people?: hmmmm..hheehe maybe..
Make a card pyramid?: YESSSSSS
Cook anything?: i'm the best :))..no kidding
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: superman...i will do the same like him...
I wish ...: to meet my "real" guy...ones for all :)))
So many people don't know that ...: i will do anything for a friend...
I am ...: happy girl...with lots of friends and great family...
My heart is ...: only for "you"....
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Trance,Techno,Minimal,House,Progresive,Chil out....
I cant tell u,someone spacial !!! there r 2 many :P
Cartoon network, eurosport, MTV, Play tv...
Its more than one thats for sure :D
My brother!!! ))) :*)