MindiAnn profile picture


Loving life & the "joe & joys" of each day!!!

About Me

Just gettin adjusted with kids being back to school and all the changes that have occured in the past month or so. Just living life and being happy, enjoying my kids and the crazy stuff they say daily. Its so interesting to be with my Joe. He makes me a proud momma. All he does is just so neat, he's so...so...so..so.. dont have a word for what he is. He is himself. And I love that about him. Now Joylese on the other hand is a handful. She keeps us on our toes. She is loud and is very blunt. Just yesterday she said I was "dumb" and that sals hair is "Stupid", and so of course I had to get after her for using such mean words. And my arguement is that i believe that i am anything but dumb and that sals hair is very "smart" LOL So right now everything is good. Just bein a proud momma and a hard worker, (or maybe im hardly working,....NOT)Just living and taking life day by day as it comes to me and thankful for the many blessings each day brings.....

My Interests

Im interested in learning all that I can about a variety of things pertaining to anything. How to be a better mom. how to be a better person. How to be a better sister, how to be a better aunt, how to be a better chef, how to be a better frybread/tortilla maker aye! Just want to be the best me that I can be. Lol

I'd like to meet:

Mainly friends...Be it Old or New. Hella cool people that can have fun the old fashioned way.....Laughing & Teasing Hella hard!!!! Just anybody i guess...Oh i shouldn't really say anybody. Oh well i gues so, im not picky!!!


Jr Spirit is my fav. Aye!! Well my sonny is neWayz.Lately I've went back to my old roots and been jammin to Native music and old country tunes. Reminds me of waking up on school days and grams had the radio tuned to a.m and would be making breakfast.....Yummy! Them were the good ol days * sigh O! an of course cant forget my ultimate fav....TU-Pac


Movie titles would go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.


I LoOoOoOve Reality T.V. But lately I've been really good and haven't really been watching. I've been occupying my time with things other than t.v.


I LoVe books! Always have. It used to drive my gramz crazy cuz I'd always have "my nose in a book" You can always find me armed with a book in my car, in my purse, in my bag, in my night stand, in all my places. Cuz you never know when you'll get stuck in construction, or for any reason you'd have to wait. I LOVE BOOKS!!!!


My children are my heroes, my auntie's ROSE & GLENDA are my heroes, My Uncles, Norm & Julian are my heroes, my family members who have made me the person I am today, are all my heroes. My BROTHERS are my heroes. My BIG SISTER is my hero. My REAL FRIENDS are my heroes!!!! An any single mom that can hold it down thru all the crap, is my hero!!!!!!

My Blog

My Old Skool Ghetto Blaster!!!!!!!!

Posted by MindiAnn on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 01:34:00 PST

Lay offs @ URT *tear.......Sad day for URT

NO More INS CONTRACT!!!!! Today was one of the toughest days of my life so far. Today was the day that URT’s INS contract closed its doors.  I felt so so so so soooooo bad. I was carrying t...
Posted by MindiAnn on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 05:18:00 PST