I heart...My family. Vacations. My buddies. My Pup. Auburn Football. Shopping. Eating Little Debbie Snack Cakes. Laughing until it hurts. Zerberts. Tropical weather. Making up Car Games with Fred. Beer. Hippies. Crystal Light. Butterflies in my stomach. Sarcasm. Black and White Photographs. Cooking. Brightly Colored pens.
I dislike...ignorance. the color burnt sienna. techno music and strobe lights. cabbage. self pity. being late. blue cheese dressing and rootbeer. repetitive noises. stick pens. mean cats.
You Are Miss Piggy
A total princess and diva, you're totally in charge - even if people don't know it.
You want to be loved, adored, and worshiped. And you won't settle for anything less.
You're going to be a total star, and you won't let any of the "little people" get in your way.
Just remember, piggy, never eat more than you can lift!
The Muppet Personality Test
Vince Vaughn.Your Lucky Underwear is Yellow
You're an extremely happy, laid back, fun soul. And your lucky yellow underwear can help you get even more out of life.
In life, you rather play than work. You're apt to quit any task that doesn't nourish your creativity and inner child.
Sometimes your drive for freedom hinders your quality of life. You find it impossible to do anything unpleasant.
If you want to have responsibilities and still have fun, put on your yellow underpants. They'll help you make a party out of the most mundane tasks.
What Color Is Your Lucky Underwear?
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts
Pretty much everything. My favorites range from George Strait to Creedence Clearwater Revival to Tom Petty to Poison to Tony Bennett.
Gone with the Wind~Hope Floats~Bridget Jones' Diary~Where the Heart Is~Dirty Dancing~Wedding Crashers~Joe Dirt~Natural Born Killers~Made~Office Space~Dumb and Dumber~P
Myspace Layouts
ulp Fiction...
ROSEANNE. THE Wonder Years. Family Guy. Law and Order. Dr. 90210. The Girls Next Door. CSI. Who's The Boss.
Any book by Nora Roberts, Danielle Steele, Sandra Brown, or John Grisham
Myspace Layouts
1. Chloe, my shihtzu, is my life partner.
2. I don't like making right turns.
3. I rarely dry my hair.
4. My dog is in love with Tony Danza.
5. Weddings ALWAYS make me cry!
6. I don't like dirty cars.
7. Pedicures are my favorite treat to myself.
8. I heart hippies and anything anti-Vietnam.
9. You will never find me wearing any Alabama apparel.
10. Brandon makes me smile.
11. My brother, Jeff (Fred), is my best friend and the funniest person I know!
12. Tiffa is my voice of reason...but sometimes she gets me in the most trouble...
13. Mo is my ally in being wild and crazy!
14. Coralie reminds me weekly that I only have one life to live!
15. I am teaching myself how to play the guitar
16. Dixie, Fred's Dalmation is my favorite 'Spot Rocket''
17. I love the word 'bellybutton.'
18. My father is my role model.
19. I love planting flowers in the Spring!
20. I love traveling...and I don't mind being in a car for 12 hours.
21. I don't eat red meat.
22. I only buy Trident White Spearmint gum.
23. My favorite foods are hotwings and macaroni & cheese.
24. I have an unnatural obsession with Crystal Light.
25. I sweep the floor everyday.
26. I am obsessed with Celebrity Gossip Magazines!
27. I love interpretive dancing!
28. I want a real pig as a pet.
29. Two of my favorite sounds are children laughing or my grandfather calling me 'babydoll.'
My dad and grandfathers. My Uncle Wayne. My Uncle Stanley. Carnie Wilson.