With hundreds of thousands of Americans behind bars for drug offenses, why are drugs purer and more prevalent than ever? With billions of dollars invested in incarceration and interdiction, why are treatment needs continually unmet? Why has the government sacrificed our freedom, safety, and health to the Drug War?
Students for Sensible Drug Policy is committed to providing education on harms caused by the War on Drugs, working to involve youth in the political process, and promoting an open, honest, and rational discussion of alternative solutions to our nation's drug problems.
SSDP is a non-violent youth oriented organization that neither encourages nor condemns drug use. Rather, we seek to reduce the harms caused by drug abuse and drug policies. We believe that in order to protect the autonomy of individuals' minds, bodies and spirit, drug laws and policies must always respect personal choice and freedom so long as a person's actions do not infringe upon another's freedoms or safety.
SSDP focuses on drug issues with the greatest impact on young and underrepresented communities. We strive to achieve sustainable policies that foster civil rights, health and safety through the exploration of alternatives to our current Drug War.
SSDP Represents the D.A.R.E. Generation
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, December 10th at 8:00pm in UCF Student Union Key West 218C. We will be electing a Secretary and Treasurer and condensing/planning our year's initiatives. E-mail [email protected] for more information.
A few of the issues we are currrently working on are:
-Reality-based Drug/Alcohol Education Programs at Orientation
-Campus-wide Medical Amnesty Policy (MAP)
-State-wide HEA Drug Provision campaign (with FSU, FGCU)
-Marijuana/Alcohol Penalty Equalization (with SAFER Orlando and NORML@UCF)
-Dorm Eviction Policies
-Parental Notification Policies
Founder, Director: Tina Kimball
Assistant Director: Caroline Talev
Office of Finances: Kevin Gast (Open Soon)
Office of Records: Open