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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My given name is Alexander Mitchell. After 15 years of life, I found my niche in the world. After screwing around with MS Paint to "design" a shirt for my older brother's band, I decided I'd like to give this whole art thing a whirl. Three years and hundreds of hours in front of the computer later, I'm 18 and running October Promotional Design. My company, October, has been and will remain my life for as long as I can remember. To sit and think about what I would be doing without design is well... tough, to say the least. While I'm still a senior at a high school in rural southern Indiana, I plan on moving on to an art school and obtaining a masters in design to solidfy my future. I spend a countless amount of time at my desk working in Adobe Photoshop with iTunes going strong. Music is a second passion, and it is an amazing job to get to work with bands and musicians every day. I love what I do, and no matter what is going on in my life I always have clients to please.
My family and friends play a huge roll in my life. My few close friends keep me sane and a part of this earth. Without them I'd probably be a catatonic nobody at this point. They make my weekends interesting and my summers memorable. My family of six is a group of people with love and blood running deep. I have my parents to thank for life, and for allowing me to pursue what I love.
My two dogs, May and Kramer, are a silver lining in every day. Mayflower is only a year old, but already means more to me than any animal could. After losing a very close friend to the family in 2007, my sister's brought home a gift bag. That big red gift bag was kicking and whimpering. My life has been complete since I pulled that black and tan beagle puppy out of the bag. Puppies definitely help the healing proccess.
A love for technology and video games could possibly attribute my interest in computer arts. While I never have much time to play my XBox360 anymore, I still love to play with my friends when I get the chance. The Silent Hill series in all of its macabre glory is one of my loves. The computer I sit here and type this on was built by hand.
Every day of my life is new. While each is the same in essence, I learn something everyday. I do not know everything, but I'd like to. I'm an insanely friendly and caring person. Talk to me!
AOL Instant Messenger
forloveofOCTOBER or aKm090

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Put simply: metal. I enjoy all kinds of music, but rock and metal hold the trophy. Oddly enough, I do enjoy some techno, club, dance, and hip-hop as well. Nothing, however, beats metal. August Burns Red has been my favorite band since they released Thrill Seeker.

what have i been listening to?

i looove going to the movies. so what if i just went the day before? ill go again. try me.

after seeing it in the theatre twice, silent hill easily became my favorite movie. some other movies that have ventured into the land of badass are cloverfield, i am legend, 28 days/weeks later, the mist, band of brothers, school of rock, the 40 year old virgin, and a night at the roxbury.

chances are if i'm reading something (which i usually am), its by the king himself: stephen king. ayn rand is another great author i enjoy. the best classic author? hemingway. i love books--my bookshelf is packed.

Keith Libbert - May 7, 2007 - Inspiration and motivation to persevere and live. He won't ever see how he's changed me, but he knows.

My older brother, Matt, is a strong role-model in my life. I'd probably be a huge douche without him. My dad is also a strong influence on me. Without him i'd be... well.. fucked. he's sturdy, steadfast, and reliable. no doubt i'll be a great father because of him.

My Blog

4.07.2008 - Life As I Know It

I know I’ve always thought blogs to be a ridiculous way to wear your heart on your sleeve, but now I’ve realized that I think that about the people who bitch just to bitch. As I continue t...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 21:14:00 GMT


The only blog for
Posted by on Tue, 29 May 2007 01:33:00 GMT