I'm just another guy from East Auckland. Like to hang out with my mates on weekends. I work and study too much. I have two jobs, 1st is as a Customer Service Supervisor and the 2nd is Computer Technition/Programmer. I am currently doing a Bachelor of Aviation - Aircraft Maintenance at Massey University. I go Snow Blading every chance i get.
Stargate SG1
Stargate Atlantis
Greys Anatonmy
Family Guy
Two and a Half Men
My Blog
Yay, feeling better after 'the sickness'. Looking at all the crap i put off and now i am putting it off more by visiting all my mates to drop off invites, and writing this blog. Last night was extream... Posted by Adam on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 06:10:00 PST
Moaning cus i am sick
Well this past week has been pretty crap. Got sick on Friday, made it worse by snow blading and drinking. Didn't even really get to blade much cus the mountain was pretty much closed. But, on the... Posted by Adam on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 05:24:00 PST