I Love. ♠ Going to Parties with friends. ♠ Getting drunk with friends. ♠ laughing about crazy shit with friends. ♠ Talking with friends. ♠ Creating shit. ♠ Being random. ♠ being there for people. ♠ Guys. ♠ and...Loads more, but im lazy, cant be fucked writing them. ♠
Myspace Layouts
Ryan Donowho off the OC.
and the man, who invented pop-tarts. oh how its saved me time in the morning. And probably you, but if your upyourself, turn around and fuck off now.
Anything thats hot.
Rock/Pop/Hip Hop ♠Fa Shizzle ma Nizzel♠/Emo/Hardcore.
Scarey Movie 1&2&3, ♠ Freddy Got Fingered, Saw 1&2, Honey, Red Eye, Kill Bill 1&2, Blue Crush, ♠ Comedy and horror are cool ♠
Our Music teacher is on "The Fairies", 9:00, Weekdays channel 7. Look for "Wizzy" the Wizard (mr Goodburn). ♠. Home & Away, The OC, Mornings On Channel 10 - anime,Blue heelers, The Office, Pretty much anything thats on. ......besides late night porn at 12. ♠
♠ What are these BOOKS i hear so much about??????? ♠
♠POP-N-FRESH + ALL MY FRIENDS. and i look up to my Brother timmy. Because, hes ..6 foot 4♠