Back in the Day - I wrote:"Well - guitarist, artist, temp at clowes, don't really care for myspace - only need it for the band - I really really hate you myspace"I guess I have to concede that I now fancy getting back in touch with some of ye who I've neglected lately (I'm :( sorry) so I need to utilise this "my-space".Anyway, for those of you who didn't know - I buggered off from working at William Clowes (book factory) in little ol' Beccles in August of '06, and went to Anglia Ruskin University - which is in Cambridge, but is NOT 'Cambridge'. The vital difference being that they have 11pm curfew, we don't. So they can suck on their little tweed jackets for all I care, I'm having the best time, EVER!I'm studying film, and it's amazing. I've met some of the coolest people I could have ever imagined here (not to name names...Harry, Sidsel, Jay, Dan Thomas...)No offense to the Bec', but I'm a Cambridge boy now, and that's the way it's likely to stay.Anyway, anyone who's reading this....cheers...and please don't feel that I've abandoned all my morals by going against my hard and fast opinion that myspace is 'gay' - as it still is, but I am comfortable with my sexuality, and can safely use it these days.Catch you people at the SU or the Butchers Arms - whichever happens to be closest.....Peter Taylor ForeverLK
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