*L*E*A*H* profile picture


** I LOVE Expressitive people !!**

About Me

So, ya wanna talk about me. Well, i grew up in Keyesport, went to Carlyle High School, then went to Cosmo school in O'Fallon. I'm now living in O'Fallon, working at my NEW job in Collinsville, hanging out in H-town, and of course coming home to Carlyle once in a while to hang out with my good friends from home. I'm always on the run, always on the go! I'm a pretty laid back person, love to chill and have a good time. One of my fav things to do is hang out wit my girls at shellie and bobbies house maybe watching a movie or play some guitar hero, or sitin in Johns antartic freezing basement listin to some chill music or pop in a good 'ol VHS!! Also, if we're not playing video games or watching movies you can count on Dave to be playing!! i'm a sucker for music, shopping, makeup, shoes, deep talks wit friends, flowers, happy people, giving, making people happy, good food, taking pictures, and lots more!! The best times ever are booze cruizin wit the girls having Dave concerts!!! Myspace Graphics
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My Interests

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One of the Few Surveys that Paints a True Picture of You
The Basics- Just to get a picture of YOU
Hello, what is your name?: Leah
Height?: 5'6"
Weight?: girls will never tell....
Hair color?: changes monthly
Eye color?: green
Are you tan, pale or somewhere inbetween?: tan
Any freckles?: nope
Scars or birthmarks?: birthmark on my neck
How old are you?: not telling....
When's your birthday?: jan 9-- the greatest day
Where do you live?: usually not at home
Now for Truly Getting to Know You
Are you more of an opptomist or pessimist?: more of a opptomist
Would you rather spend a year on a deserted island with friends or family?: friends
Do you prefer getting everything out of the way or procrastinating?: half/half just depends
Are you extremely quiet around people you don't know, outgoing or inbetween: usually kinda quite
Do you have a bunch of friends, a few close friends, or somewhere inbetween: inbetween
Would you die for someone in your family?: prolly
What about your friends?: ya
Do you love to read, hate to read, mildy enjoy it, or mildy dislike it?: dont really have time to read
What about t.v.?: love TLC, MTV, style channel
Do you feel like a lot of people know the true you or a small few?: small few
How many people do you trust with your life?: not a lot
Would you rather go to a tropical island or ski resort?: tropical!!
R you more sensitive or tougher (in the sense you don't care what ppl say)?: sensitive
Do you still play video games or find them a bore?: BORE!! (love guitar hero :P)
Are you really into your looks and fashion or you don't care so much?: Have to be in my industry or you wont make it!!!
Did/do/will you like/liked your high school years?: ya they were fun
Why or why not?: Freshman year was the best!
Do you prefer excercising or laying around?: depends
Are you a hard worker in school or more of a slacker, Or somewhere inbtwn?: hard worker
If you're already out of school, what type of student were you?: wanted to get the hell outa there
Do you feel like you had a great childhood? Or not so good?: it was ok
Who is always there to support you?: ??? dunno
Are you more of a day-dreamer or realistic thinker?: realist
How would you feel if they lengthened the school day? (yuck): sucks for who's ever in school
Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend? If so how many?: haha. a lot
If not, are you waiting for the one or waiting for another reason?: why, live life. u live u learn
How do you feel about life?: it mysterious
How do you feel about myspace?: gives me something to do
What about abortion?: your choice
Global warming?: it'll prolly happen
Gay marriage?: again, your choice
Surveys?: gives ya something to do, kinda interesting
Do you live in the moment, always look back, or always look foward?: a lil of them all
How do you really feel about yourself?: i'm not telling
What about our society?: Ah, whatever....
Do you consider yourself more deep or simple?: deep
Do other people see you as this or only a few?: anyone who really knows me would know
How do you feel about the internet in general?: it's a necessity
School?: same
Are you a lover or a fighter?: lover
Do you consider yourself popular?: i dunno
Do you consider yourself a nerd?: no
Do you even believe in labels or just the person inside?: person inside
Would you ditch your best friend for the love of your life?: depends on the situation
What about the other way around?: same
Have you ever really had a Best Friend?: ya
Are you more of an english type or a math type?: english
Do stupid people make you laugh?: ya
Are you one of those stupid people?: i hope not
Do you get angry easily?: not really
Do you look for love in all the wrong places?: lately i have
Who are your friends?: to many to name
Whos in your immediate family?: just a couple
Do you have a friend who acts different around different people?: ya
Can you trust this person?: no
What about one who is ALWAYS there for you?: they're awesome
Do you have a pair of big sunglasses?: not too big
Do you act random a lot or find that very immature?: i'm not a very immature person
Do girls just wanna have fun?: OH YA
What do you prefer? Strawberry daqueris or pina coladas?: STRAWBERRY
Are you a very complex person?Is your life full of lessons, fun, and reason: I HOPE SO
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i'm game for just about anything! i love mostly alternative, punk, country, some rap but only if i'm partying! Sone of my favs. would be Sweet Home Alabama!! Postal Service, & Dave Matthews Band.


Sweet Home Alabama, 101 Dalmations are some of the Favs. LOVE comedies HATE scary movies!!


LOVE: MTV, TLC, The Style Channel.



Your Birthdate: January 9
You are a born idealist, with more pet causes than you can count.
You prefer be around others, both when working and while relaxing.
Generous and giving, you believe you can change the world one person at a time.
You're open minded and tolerant. People feel like they can tell you anything.

Your strength: Your go-with-the-flow flexibility

Your weakness: Your flair for the over dramatic

Your power color: Pine green

Your power symbol: Circle

Your power month: September What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

My Blog


  51 things that you might not know about me:1. What is your middle name:Marie2. How big is ur bed?Queen3. What are you listening to right now?nothing. watching tv4. What are the last 2 digits in...
Posted by ////LeaH\\\\ on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 06:44:00 PST